How else feels like they have it all under control and then next thing you know, it's not going so well?


New member
Ok so I am 4 months PP and have been genuinely wondering if anyone else feels the same.

I am still recovering from giving birth (low blood pressure, anemia, hormone imbalances etc.), & l am doing everything to feel as good as possible and taking needed supplements.
The thing is; it feels like one moment, everything is going perfectly (baby and I are out and about, my mental health is great, my body feels strong) and then one day later, it's like I am back to square one!? (feeling depressed, weaker and low energy).

I know this is not meant to ask for medical advice and I have a medical appointment scheduled soon, but is any other new mom feeling this 0 to 100 to 0?

Thanks for any input ♥️
@gxh I definitely get this sometimes! Most of the time it feels like everything is going great and I’m fine, and then it’ll be 4am and I can’t get him back to sleep and he won’t stop screaming and it all just feels awful.
@gxh I feel this! For me it depends on how well LO sleeps and therefore how well I slept. Some days I’m so tired and teary and just want to run away from home and other days I’m like “this isn’t too bad, I got this!”

I also read a IG post that pointed out the mundane boring days also means that nothing bad happened , which they are grateful for and that really stuck with me.
@gxh I’m also 4 months PP and feel similarly. I lost it one night a week ago just because of how hard all this shit is when you add it up. Hang in there 💖
@gxh THIS. I just don’t feel like myself and I guess that’s okay?
Things with baby are great (tough but great). Husband is wonderful. Emotions are shaky and I have some anxiety but no serious depressive symptoms.
But this transition from being an independent, hard working married lady who travels whenever she wants to “mom” has been very new and challenging. I knew it would be , but the reality of it is shocking sometimes.
@gxh I think the question is, what mom doesn’t feel like this!?

Go easy on yourself. Plan something fun to look forward to (tough with a 4 month old but find anything!)

I feel this way all the time- I have two babies, one is 15 months and the other is almost 3 months. It’s CRAY over here…so even though my situation is very different (not suffering from your physical issues but different ones) I certainly, and I’m sure many others, understand where you’re coming from!