@chai92 This is for people who get lost in researching and need serious help with healthy limits (this is me, I've learned from personal experience lol).
Make a list of things you want to change/research. Then pick ONE thing on the list. Decide a time limit around how much time you think is reasonable to research it and write it down next to it on the list. To clarify, I don't mean research every known fact about the issue, but rather researching alternatives and which one seems both healthy and like a good fit for your situation.
Then, when you have time to look into it, which may be on a different day, set a timer on your phone. Try your best to make a decision within that time frame before the timer goes off. Or if you need to break the overall time into several chunks of time because of interruptions, stop the timer when needed and make note of it on your list, then try to decide before the last of the sessions adding up to the full time is done.
Try out the new alternative you have chosen for a couple of weeks and assess how it's going. Is it working well? Not well? If a consumable product like toiletries that you have to repurchase, are you going through it too quickly and the cost is unsustainable, etc. If you need to try a different brand or different alternative, then do so.
Once you feel good and settled with that change and feel comfortable taking on a different change, pick a new one from your list. Repeat.