How do you darken the room without blackout blinds or on vacation?

@lvmangione What they said but also cardboard. When we go on trips I usually Amazon Prime wipes and diapers to the vacation Airbnb (or a friends house etc). Then I use the Amazon boxes to cover windows in baby’s room.

If you’re still in a pnp, slumberpod.
@seekinganswersinlife We don't seem to have an issue with room sharing yet. The only issue for now it's the fact that at bedtime is not yet dark enough for her to easily fall asleep. Too much light and she's distracted by everything around, especially since it's a new place.
@lvmangione The sleep out curtains are portable! They have very strong suction cups with Velcro. We use that in our daughters room now and they really make the room nice and dark! They're expensive but they are so so so worth it.
@lvmangione I avoided blackout blinds for this reason. Naps are had with some light trickling through (blinds closed but curtains mostly open) and night time is light filtering curtains closed.
@nectarius I think it’s because, for the most part, they can be maintained all night? The associations that we try to remove are usually the ones that cant/parents don’t want them to be, all night (feeding to sleep, rocking to sleep, baby mobile on a timer, etc)
@nectarius They are considered positive sleep associations. It’s important to have good sleep hygiene even in adulthood to help your body maintain it’s natural circadian rhythm.
@lvmangione Have you considered transitioning from black outs? I think from about 1 year we just didn’t stress about it and it really hadn’t been a big deal how light the room is (we go away and stay at her grandparents and it’s not that dark and it’s fine). Just a thought :)
@baothy2201 Tried that and it was no issue when she was younger, or maybe was the fact that it was January and sunset was around 5pm, but now we are visiting family and with sunset after 9pm, its way to much light when i put her to sleep.

Although either I remembered the price wrong or it's gone way up. Still, 40$ would be worth it too - the only times this thing hasn't worked perfectly was when we had to cover a full double patio door (too small) and when the windows were in small panes with wood between (hard to space the suction cups).

I usually bring painter's tape too, just in case there are any folds that want to stick out (we also use the tape to hold up the camera for our baby monitor.)