How do you CIO with nightdress?


New member
My 4.5 month twin girls have been better at sleeping in their cribs so now I feel a bit less guilty about sleep training lol

My issue with their sleep is getting them into bed (without milk) and without being rocked for 2+ hours almost every night.

Twin B put herself to sleep last night after us keeping her up (bc my fiancé was waiting for me to get out the shower to do bedtime what the heck bro) she did this as soon as she laid on the crib

I don’t mind waking up to feed them, bc feeling hungry is horrible.

Twin A wakes up at 5-6hr stretches to eat and is able to self sooth if sister Kindof wakes her up during the night.
Twin A weighs 1lb more than Twin B.

Twin B….she wakes up 4-5hours to eat, then every 3 hours after that.

Thanks in advance!