How do I set my wife up in a realistic way for our twins arrival in Jan…

@cinder7 Why is she so set on that weight? That seems odd. My boys came at 34+4 weighing about 6 lbs each. One just under one just over. Their weight was not the reason they had nicu time. They went home after 2 weeks and were still not 7 lbs. As far as going to 38 weeks, eh. My Dr's wanted my twins out at 37 weeks. I had a c section scheduled for that date. Here's the reason why you don't want twins to stay in too long, because it's actually riskier to the babies and to the mom. an article about studies on this subject
I highly recommend the book When You're Expecting Twins, Triplets, or Quads. It covers stuff about how to eat to ensure healthy weights for the babies. With twin pregnancy, you want to gain weight faster because they are likely to come earlier.
@heyilovegod2254 Just ordered the book!! I don’t know… she is scared of “small” babies, even our second being almost a pound and a half smaller than our first (8’7) was hard on her because she panicked that she was going to hurt/break him, was tough on her mental health — seems absurd yes but we worked through it
@cinder7 This sounds a lot like some form of anxiety for her that’s manifesting this way. Did she have any kind of birth trauma with her singletons?

All that to say, I think others suggestion to just have everything packed and ready to go is the best way to go. My guess is that she will get to 38 weeks and be ready to have them out or other factors will arise and they will be born when they are ready.

For the record. My twins were born at 37+2 vaginally. And we’re 5lb8oz and 5lb4oz but I make small babies as my singletons were about 7lbs full term.

Just support her. My twin pregnancy was a lot for me to handle both physically and emotionally.
@hartsarts No birth trauma…fairly routine and but she never held babies before ours so they seemed breakable to her?
I think she’s “scared” that if these guys are too small they will be extra breakable if that makes sense?
@cinder7 I was induced with my di di twins at 38+2 but I was in labour for over two days. My babies weren’t very big for that age. Only 5 lb 10 oz and 5lb 12 oz - I’m only 5’2 and before pregnancy 130 lbs

I was also severely ill with something called hyperemesis… throwing up every single day. But my babies were completely healthy, just a bit small
@cinder7 Are the twins MoDi or MoMo? If so she likely will be told she can't wait until 38 weeks. DiDi is the most likely to make it to 38 weeks, I believe but a lot will be up to her doctor. Not to scare you, but a friend of mine's singleton went way past 40 weeks and died during emergency c-section. It's best to be prepared to follow the doctor's advice. Twins are risky. I only made it to 34+3 with my MoDi twins.
@cinder7 Sometimes there is no choice. Also, I have read that anything over 37 weeks gestation leads to higher mortality rates and complications of both babies and mother. Someone correct me if I’m wrong or if this is outdated information, I was told this last year by my MFM while pregnant with DiDi twins. Since the twins are di/do the risk is significantly lower. I was also determined to keep them in full term. However, sudden onset pre-eclampsia came up out of nowhere and at 35 weeks, they were born via emergency c-section. Just like singleton births, while we can always plan and have an ideal, the babies and your body will always do what they want lol Good luck and congratulations! 🎉
@cinder7 My di/di twins were born via c-section after a very long induction at 38+3. But my experience is not typical. On average twins come around 36 weeks, so we were packed and ready early on.

My twins we also only 5 and 4 lbs at birth, despite being full term. I am a small person. And I just don't think my body could handle making them any bigger.

It's possible your wife will make it to 38 weeks, but even if she does, don't be surprised if the twins are smaller than your first 2. Even di/di twins are limited by the amount of calories consumable by one human being, and limited by the amount of space in the womb.
@cinder7 First singleton with 7lbs 12oz at 40 weeks (induced) My twins were 5-12 and 6-4 at 38 weeks (schedule c section due to being feet down). No NICU time and stayed in my room in hospital. I would just follow what the docs say, they know what’s best.
@cinder7 My history is almost exactly the same. First baby was 42+ weeks and 10.5 pounds, second was induced early and 8lb4oz, twins made it to 38+2 with absolutely no signs of wanting to come on their own, and were 6lb15 and 7lb15.

I had a planned c-section with the twins due to not wanting to go through labor and then have a c-section (like with baby #1) but baby A was breech, so it would have been a c-section no matter what.
@cinder7 Have an emergency hospital bag packed for each of you once she hits the third trimester. If you are planning any trips in her third trimester, ask her to bring a copy of her medical records in case of emergency (like going into labor away from your normal hospital). Have the twin sleeping arrangements set up early so if she does deliver early, your not at home trying to build things while she recovers in the hospital.

Best of luck!
@cinder7 Is there a reason she picked 7 lb 8 ounces? “Low birth weight” is considered under 5 lbs 8 ounces, I know I was hoping to be over that because I figured that would mean less chance of the NICU. Realistic or not, I’m just not sure why her goal is even necessary. Maybe not trying to reset her goal directly, but figure out what her goal even is and not worry so much about a specific weight.
@cinder7 Yes. My didi twins were 6 lbs 14 oz and 7 lbs. I was induced at 38 w 4 days. I gave birth vaginally. If we didn't induce I'm sure they'd have reached over 7 lbs each.