How do I set my wife up in a realistic way for our twins arrival in Jan…

@cinder7 I went 38 weeks- planned C-section since baby A was breech and could NOT be persuaded to move 😩 Di/di came out at 7lbs 7oz and 7lbs 5oz. Definitely possible but absolutely miserable. I was determined to go as long as possible too during early pregnancy, by 34 weeks I was ready to grab a scalpel and just DIY the whole thing. They wouldn’t let me schedule an induction or C-section until 38 weeks but they also wouldn’t let me go past 38 either. That seems to be the standard now. It used to be 37 and man was I bummed when I found out it changed! 😂
@cinder7 I was put on bedrest for two weeks due to labor starting at 32 weeks with my twins, second pregnancy. They came out at 34 weeks, 5 pounds each. We were in the nicu for a month so they could learn to eat. I was at a 7 when I went into my appointment, but baby A was breech, so I had an emergency c section. Nothing I did caused my babies to come early, and there was nothing I could do to keep them in any longer. When they come, they come.
@cinder7 My singleton babies were 7lbs 8 oz at 38 weeks, 9 lbs. 2 oz at 40 weeks. My twins were 7 lbs. 12 oz. and 6 lbs. 10 oz. at 37 weeks, they came home with me, no NICU. So if she is prone to larger babies your twins could be larger. But there are no guarantees with twin pregnancies, you are not in control that all. My singleton pregnancies were very healthy and I had no issues. With twins, I went into preterm labor ended up on bedrest, and then had thrombocytopenia and needed an emergency C-section. Everyone is different and you really cannot plan twin births the way you think.
@cinder7 I was induced at 38&4 and my di/di were 7 & 7.3lbs so sure anything’s possible. Babies seem to decide on their own timeline and statistically ~50% of multiples will be born early so I had my bag packed and ready to go from about 30 weeks. Setting up hard expectations are a sure way to be disappointed you didn’t meet them.
@cinder7 Definitely possible! I was a FTM, with di/di boys. They weren’t going anywhere, had our c-section scheduled for 37+6. Made it fine to that date. Baby A was breech, 6lbs12oz, baby B was transverse, 7lbs13oz. My doctor said that the majority of twins are born around 36 weeks, so fair to hope that they will come between 36-38 weeks.
@cinder7 The denial can be strong. I remember lying on the table at almost 30w (29+6.. sigh) in a city 4 hours away... I had been flown there as my town won't handle babies under 32w.. I literally was trying to climb off the table but I couldn't because spinal for c-section and whatnot, and I kept saying "nope, they aren't ready, I am just going to go home ok" like I was going to walk over 400km home in labour to have my babies. Literally still telling them nope as they were cutting the babies out of me.

If she has Reddit, let her peruse this group. But I wouldn't argue too hard, whatever happens will happen, and if they do need to come early the docs can explain why.
@cinder7 Friend had twins at ~38 weeks that were both ~8.5 pounds. She’s 5’3”.

My wife was supposed to have her C-section at 38 weeks, but got bumped to 37 weeks due to the combination of the estimated weights and amount of fluid present. My girls were 6lb15oz and 7lb8oz.

You’ve got the right attitude about all of this. Keep it going, and good luck!
@cinder7 I have di/di twins born via scheduled c section at 38 weeks exactly, they were 8 pounds 7 ounces and 7 pounds 9 ounces. So yes, it's possible to grow big twins and have them stay in that long in the absence of complications. I think she's overly concerned about their weights, though. They will grow as much as they will grow, and stay in as long as they will stay in, and none of it is anything she has control over. But by the time she's nearing the end, she might change her tune. I had to carry around my belly with my hands. Rolling over in bed was excruciating. It was hard to function. A lot of people are begging their doctors to get those babies out once they hit 30+ weeks.
@cinder7 My di/di children were 8lb 1oz and 7lb 8oz, respectively. My wife went until 38 weeks and 4 days. So, it happens! Keep in mind my wife is 6 ft tall, so she had a bit more room for them to bake.
@cinder7 Just wanted to add my singleton was 9.1 at 40+4, had to be induced. My twins (di/di) weren't coming on their own either, so I was induced at 38+3, and they were only 6.3 and 6.7 even though @spiritualtranscendence at the mfm estimated them at 7.5lbs each. My 4th had iugr and I had to be induced at 38 weeks, but her weight was obviously low so can't be counted.
@cinder7 I’ve had 5 babies. The only time I went into labor on my own was my twins. 37+4 and they were around 7lb each. My other 3 babies were 8lb4, 8lb4, and 9lb9. Born at 42+3, 39, and 39. It’s not predictable with ultrasounds, it’s not an exact science. The best course of action is to trust your OB and/or midwife, and when it begins, those twins are coming! She will be fine! Good luck ❤️
@cinder7 I have identical twin girls and they were 6lbs 3oz and 6lbs 4oz. My other daughter was 6lbs 8oz and all my boys range between 6lbs 14oz and 7lbs 10oz. I had my twins at 36 weeks which was my earliest birth, all my others were between 38 and 41 weeks.
@cinder7 You need to prepare for MANY changes, physically and mentally, before, during and after L&D. And try to comfort her and give her some space when she requests it.
@cinder7 I had mine at 38 weeks and two days. One was 7 lbs 6 oz and the other was 6 lbs 15 oz. Also, depending on the type of twins, her OB probably won’t let her go that long. They usually take di/di twins at 38 weeks if they’ve not arrived already, and then mo/di and mo/mo twins are less than 38 weeks.