How are you mentally/emotionally dealing with significant activity modification?


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I’m a runner, and I’m 34+1 today. I did an 8-mile long run at 32 weeks, and it felt like I was cruising. It was a glorious run. My long run last week was cut short (at 1.5 miles) by significant lower abdominal pain. My OB and I think I pulled some rectus fibers away from the origin. Now I’m having some infrequent preterm contractions. I’m 2.5 miles away from hitting 300 miles for this pregnancy!

My OB says I can run in 0.5-1 mile increments to hit my 300 goal (as long as no pain/contractions), but then I need to switch to walking until I hit term. I am obviously going to do what is best for my baby and start walking, but y’all...I am so bummed about it. How are you giving yourself a little grace in these situations? How are you coming to terms with having to modify your activity so significantly?
@verajosefine Remember: you used to run. Now you’re growing a human and also running! That’s amazing. You ran close to 300 miles WHILE GROWING A HUMAN. You are awesome and your body is awesome for being able to do that. And if you need to make some moderations for the last six weeks while you finish GROWING A HUMAN, then that’s ok. It’s ok if you had to make them all the way through your pregnancy.
@glory2jesus This is a great mantra! “Now you’re growing a human and also running.” Thank you for some perspective. It can be so easy to get caught up in our emotions and forget the amazing thing our bodies are doing.
@verajosefine Great mantra, I needed to hear this. My activity level has massively reduced. Running stopped at 20 weeks after 6 consecutive runs cut short due to round ligament pain, all my usual exercises involved fall risk (climbing and circus) so was told to stop end of first tri. Now down to 45 mins of yoga of work days and at 29 weeks it gets me down that this feels like enough
@verajosefine It sucked. I had a few runs where I wanted to cry because I was just so slow. I wound up having to stop at week 35 and made a step count goal instead. Having some kind of goal helped keep me sane. I'm now 4 weeks postpartum, and I had my first one mile "run" after 2 months of pure walking. It felt so good even though it was slower than when I was 35 weeks pregnant. Pregnancy isn't permanent. You can do this! Plus, all the work you've put in will make labor and delivery easier.
@verajosefine I’m envious of you guys! I wasn’t much of a runner to start- 2.5 to 3 miles, 5x a week.. but my first trimester I was too exhausted to do anything! Essentially the day I began my 2nd trimester I had energy again but I get winded so easily now! I now just walk at a 3.3 mph pace on my treadmill for 30 minutes daily and do 30 minutes of prenatal yoga. Hopefully I can get back to my (short) runs again post baby- I’m 25 weeks now. Keep up the great work, Mommas! Our bodies truly are amazing.
@katrina2017 Similar here! I was a low key runner before pregnancy but the first trimester wiped me out and I stopped completely and just did some walking. I'm at 14 wks and keep telling myself I'm going to get back into running any day now lol! I'm super impressed with OP's 8 mile run.

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