Highblood after pregnancy


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Hi everyone? Please tell me Im not alone in this journey ! This gives me anxiety 😭 I deliver my baby last october 15 ,2020 after I deliver my baby my blood pressure rise they didnt tell the range of my blood pressume because they think it will give me stress more and panic, gave me magnesium sulfate after 1 day in the hospital my bp rise to 130/80-90 they didnt give me med they told me to just relax 🤦 how can I relax? Btw its a public hospital so expect the unexpected... When I got home that night my bp rise to 140/100 and Im just 23 ! Im only 23 y/o , so I go to my private ob and now im in the maintenance of Amlodipine ... Anyone relate to me??
@lostatsea I had postpartum high blood pressure after my first. It is scary when you're in the middle of it.

Let your ob know asap or even your GP. I was on medication for 3 months pp then was able to come off of them and have been okay ever since knock on wood
@sanharver Thanks for replying. Btw, what medicine did you take? My Ob recommended me amlodipine . Are always monitoring your blood pressure? Did the doctor/Ob stop u from medicine. Thank u 💕
@lostatsea It’s really not a big deal in the short term. You’ve made it past the most dangerous part. Should be below 120/80, but I would not have given you meds for 130/80-90 either. Being anxious about it, will definitely make it rise and you’re not getting an accurate reading. Unless you’re symptomatic with a headache or vision changes, etc we’re not talking dangerous levels unless you’re getting to 160/110. I question whether you need the medication if you’re super anxious when they are doing the readings.
@katrina2017 I have symptoms like headache , my jaws felt different thats why when im checking my blood pressure the range 130/90 , 132/92 . Do you think I should stop taking meds ? This made me so anxious because Im only 23 and im suffering from hypertension 😭😭😭
@lostatsea No, don't stop the meds. That's different if you're symptomatic, but still okay if you're seeing your doctor.

I was "diagnosed" at 20, but I would get anxious every time my blood pressure was checked. I did have preeclampsia during pregnancy and it ran up to 140s/90s. At home, not pregnant and calm, my blood pressure is fine.

You sound really worked up. All I'm saying is that it sounds like your problem may be anxiety rather than hypertension and maybe that needs to be the conversation the next time you see the doctor.
@katrina2017 Im so shy to talk to my Ob about my panic attacks but I'll try.. Last night after taking meds I feel like dying because of chest pounding , my heart is beating sooo fast 🤦 Btw I always forgot to drink my meds in time and it gives me anxiety to now I set an alarm so I wont forget to take it in the right time.
@lostatsea Are you allowed to have somebody to go with you? I had postpartum anxiety and depression after my first. When I finally got up the nerve to go get help for it, I took my mom with me for support. I don't know what the situation is with COVID in your area though.
@katrina2017 My boyfriend is busy in his work , and Im too busy carrying our child alone , but Im not alone in the house the thing is they're busy too ... I don't have my own blood pressure monitor I have to go to the near hospital or sometimes in the health center in our area just to check my blood pressure, crazy right.. how old are you now? Do you still have it?
  1. I just had a baby, which did run it up, but it leveled out within 6 weeks of my first, and I expect it to this time. I never had hypertension in the traditional sense to begin with other than in pregnancy. I was just so anxious I was running it up.
That's also not super accurate if you're running in somewhere to check your BP. It's going to be higher than if you're sitting around.