Help: My 10yo son is a relentless downer


New member
EDIT: Thanks everyone who offered constructive advice. The overwhelming response was “Therapy. ASAP.” I hear it and am on it, likely starting with CBT. I had a chat with him tonight, and thanked him for always sharing his feelings with me, even the bad ones. I asked him if he wants to start therapy. He said he didn’t know, “I don’t really know what therapy does, I just feel like I need something.” I told him I’d look into it and we can start exploring together, and he seemed so grateful to be taken seriously. If anyone has thoughts on things in addition to therapy we could implement at home to help him, I’d be grateful to hear them.

My 10yo son is constantly down on himself and on life. His life is peachy: we have a loving home, his younger sister (8) adores him despite the fact that he is often criticizing her. He has access to activities, nature, sports, enrichment. He’s not spoiled but he has access to all the things a kid could want.

Nonetheless, the glass is always half empty, and everything always “sucks”. He is down on himself in big existential ways (“why was I even born?”) and little daily ways (“I’m so stupid!” e.g. if he doesn’t understand a homework question right away, despite being on a gifted track at school.) He says he hates himself. He says he wishes he weren’t even here - as in, on the planet, as a human. I toggle between extreme worry for him and, honestly, a little anger at his ingratitude.

One example of how his mind works: after a soccer game recently his teammate said to me “we couldn’t have won without him! He helped block three goals!” I was like “way to go buddy!” And his response was “see? I told you people think I have mental issues.” What?? He took that compliment as an insincere comment from someone who thought he was a weak kid who needed to hear “fake nice things”. But I got him to he admit that he DID help block three goals. The compliment WAS sincere.

He’s told me thinks he needs therapy. I’ve brushed this off as something he’s only picked up because we live in a fancy town where kids unnecessarily do that sort of thing (please forgive the judgement, don’t mean to offend). Do 10year olds really need therapy? I’ve started having him keep a gratitude journal so he can write down one thing every day that was good. What else could I be doing?

He has said things before like “I wish I could just die.” He says he prefers being asleep to being awake, he’d rather just live in a dream. He says he doesn’t see the point of the universe or his place in it. I feel scared for what he might do and also helpless.

His teachers love him. He doesn’t show this gloomy side at school. He has moments of fun with friends and with his sister. But he’ll often come back to me afterwards as if he’s dropping the act and go back to wallowing in his angst. I sometimes think I’m the only person who sees it. Even my husband only catches glimpses of it.

Anyone advice from parents or kids who’ve been through similar? Might he grow out of it?
@arishin Please get your boy to see a therapist. He has expressed he thinks he might need it, and has voiced intrusive thoughts about wanting to die.

If your boy told you his leg hurt day in day out you would take him to the doctor.

Your boy is telling you he is hurting mentally, so please take him to a doctor.
@jehusupporter He's 10. What does he have to be depressed about? /S

10 year olds can be going through some serious shit and no one would know. At 10, I was taking care of 3 younger siblings (ages 8 - 4), a 3 bedroom apartment, my biomom, and attempting to go to school and get through 4th grade ontop of dealing with being bullied and a heaping side of guilt for any moment I got that brought me joy and let me be a kid. Also was in constant flight and fight after dealing with years of abuse and was now dealing with neglect.

Depression doesn't give a flying fuck what age you are or your circumstances. They absolutely should have gotten their kid to therapy as soon as the kid mentioned the need for it, if not sooner.
He’s told me thinks he needs therapy. I’ve brushed this off as something he’s only picked up because we live in a fancy town where kids unnecessarily do that sort of thing.

This right here is a big part of the problem. He knows something is wrong with him and wants help to address it and you brush him off. Please, get him the help he knows he needs. As a layperson, I'd say it sounds like he is suffering from depression.
@arishin He's showing this side to you because he feels comfortable showing you his real feelings. He's also directly expressed his want for outside help.

These were things I wish I'd done with my parents at that age, because they were definitely thoughts I had, but I'm only just now starting therapy in my late 30s. If I had gotten help at a younger age, I would have been much better equipped to handle real stresses of adulthood.

Take your son's requests seriously and take him to see a therapist. If you're not sure where to start, take him to his pediatrician and see if they have recommendations, based on his specific behaviors.
@kflip Thank you. This is exactly what I’m fearing, that he’ll never get a handle on these traits and they’ll follow him into adulthood. This actually helps me appreciate him being able to articulate his needs so clearly… I need to take them at face value.
@arishin Just wanted to add as someone who is in therapy in their late 20s after not being able talk to my parents about stuff, it will absolutely follow him into adulthood if you don’t act now. You should feel really good about how he felt comfortable to come to you; now, you need to show him you’re taking his needs seriously by getting him to a therapist.
@arishin I started talking like this when I was about 10 and was suicidal by 14. My parents made me start therapy at 14 and while I resisted at first, it very likely saved my life. Please get him into therapy.
@arishin For the love of god please take this kid to see a therapist. He’s very clearly communicating to you what he needs. He sounds a lot like me at 25 and I can tell you first hand clinical depression is not something to mess around with. You keep blowing this off as “entitlement” and eventually you’re going to come home to a dead kid, I can almost guarantee you that.
@truthtellah Same. At 25, I had some trauma resurface that was never dealt with, and it sent me into severe depression and into self-harm and a suicide attempt. It all started with me realizing something wasn't right. I didn't want to do anything, see anyone, be here anymore. I started therapy and told my therapist I thought I was depressed. My work schedule had to be moved around, and I was put on medication with follow-up appointments scheduled once or even twice a week.
@arishin I asked my parent for therapy at 12. When they rejected it, it changed my outlook on them for a really long time. Felt alone and got obsessed with figuring out what was wrong with me. And yes I had a great childhood as well with everything I needed. There are factors that contribute which you have no control over. I’m happy that you’re willing to support his mental health!
@arishin Someone could have the greatest life ever and still be depressed or have anxiety. Depression is a bitch and doesn't care who it effects. Your son has expressed a need for help, and instead of listening to him, you are saying, "What reason do you have to be depressed?" He literally asked you for help. He knows something is wrong and you're invalidating him. What are you going to do if he starts to self-harm as a way to deal with his emotions because his parents aren't listening?

Get your son into therapy. Apologize for not listening and taking him seriously. Try to have an open-minded conversation with your son. Don't take offense to what he's feeling and saying. You brought him into this world. He doesn't have to be grateful for it.
@arishin The day my son told me he needed therapy, I found him a therapist. I let go of every last worry of my own, would the therapist think we are doing something to make him this way? What would his school think? My friends?
And it was one of the best parenting decisions I have ever made. Please do this for him.