Help me work out regularly while pregnant


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I'm currently 16 weeks pregnant, and struggling to maintain a regular workout routine. I didn't workout at all during my first trimester (just long walks when I could muster the little energy that I had), and only started working out again recently (30 min rowing twice a week). The biggest reasons for my lack of exercise are because 1) I feel so tired and unmotivated now and 2) I'm extra careful about certain exercises cause of my pregnancy history, e.g. am no longer running.

As someone who worked out regularly pre-pregnancy (ran, did yoga, rowed), not really working out now is so rough. For those who've been able to maintain their workout routines: do you feel fatigue or lack of motivation at all? If so, how did you overcome it? Any other suggestions/ideas are so welcome!
@mariamauva I’ve just been doing what I can—and over time that’s ramped up! In the first trimester I often only did stretching. I eased my way back into cardio and resistance training, and I’m almost 20 weeks now and can do a lot more. You could always start simple and at home by adding stretching or some weights onto the rowing you’re already doing. Also, when I started going back to the gym I dragged my husband with me for motivation/emotional support haha (I think bringing someone with you can be a huge help).
@mariamauva Also wanted to add to these great comments that a little caffeine in pregnancy is ok! I have a small cup of mate or green tea about 40 minutes before my workout and it’s really helped me find the energy and focus I need to keep up my fitness (well as best as I can!). I do monitor my heart rate, listen to my body, etc but thank goodness for caffeine- I ration out a smaller morning coffee on workout days so that I can stay under 200mgs a day total.
@trang0714 I do the same and have always been so hesistant to tell anyone besides my husband for fear of judgment! Small amount of caffeine just to get me started bc my workouts are usually 5 or 6 am and I physically don’t think I can do it without the small supplementation
@mariamauva I’ve been a lot more forgiving of myself! So when not feeling like doing my normal exercise (mine is running) but feel like doing something I’ll sub in something I don’t normally do. A lot of times it’s incline walking which feels rewarding because it is hard on a high incline even at 3mph. Or biking. I’ll give myself 30min and if I do more, I do more. If not that’s it. I don’t allow myself to feel bad about it because it’s about continuing the habit.
@mariamauva Instead of trying to be rigid about the regularity, it was more about getting something done that day. Really redefining my "regular" helped me a lot. Like regular used to be Monday Tuesday workout, Wednesday Rest, Thursday Friday Workout. It then changed to capitalizing on my good days, and resting on my bad days. I would have 3 really good days where I would have the energy to workout, and then followed by 5 days of low energy. Or sometimes I would go to the gym and just do two of the 7 movements I had planned and call that a win. Sometimes just getting my steps in for the day was a win.

Also, having levels of working out - instead of all or nothing have flexibility with the amount, intensity, or length of workout.
@psyduck25 Totally agree with this. I totally just shifted my mindset to trying to do something, anything that felt good for me that day! Some days it was just a 30 minute walk, other days walking + lifting. If I could get a walk in every day and lift 2 or 3 times a week I was happy, and I think it’s served me well. 37w now and I’ve definitely slowed down, mostly just walking 😅 but I still feel strong, not in a ton of pain.
@mariamauva I like to get my workouts done in the morning! It’s nice to get it over with. If I waited until evening my workouts would never happen and it’s important to me that I stay active this pregnancy!!!
@mariamauva I am 17 weeks and basically didn't get off the couch until 14 weeks. In those early days of crawling out of first trimester misery I felt like I was dragging a thousand pounds on my back. I bought some sessions with a trainer who specializes in pre-natal because it forced me to get started. (I also have a tough pregnancy history so it's comforting to work with someone who can assure me that what I'm doing is safe.)

It's getting easier now that I'm re-establishing a habit-- and it's easier too when I remember that I'm doing this for my in-labor self or my postpartum self. I really want my return to work and life to be as easy as possible, I feel like every day I drag myself to the gym now will make me a little bit stronger when I'm carrying a baby around.

But more than anything be nice to yourself, there's no shame in resting or going slow or taking a nap or taking a second nap.
@mariamauva Anything is better than nothing - that’s what I’ve been telling myself my entire pregnancy thus far. First trimester I was lucky and was able to keep up with all my normal workouts. Second trimester was pretty much the same but I felt like I hit a wall around weeks 26-27. Now in my third trimester, my workouts consist mostly of long/incline walking and yoga. I will lift from time to time depending on how my energy levels are for that particular day. Lotsssss of stretching too!
@mariamauva I hear you, the low energy and lack of motivation can be tuff during pregnancy. I force myself to do something everyday, even if its just 20 minutes. For me, usually a 20 minute walk or 20 to 30 minutes of weight training. Having weights at home really helps. As others said, best to do it in the morning as motivation dwindles througout the day. On the weekends I have more time, so I try and get in a long hike, which really helps my mental health.
@mariamauva I personally always made it a must to get a good long walk/hike in with my dog in the morning because pooch needs a walk. Then I would try to do some dumbbell workouts 2 or 3 times a week. I would suggest to maybe get a smart watch or a fitbit to make yourself accountable! I just got one last week and it has made such a difference when you see the numbers and stats.
@mariamauva I'm 24+4 and have gotten back to regular workouts, but they're wayyyy less intense/difficult than pre-pregnancy. Before, I did Lagree megaformer pilates, hot yoga, strength training/HIIT, and the Peloton. Now I do prenatal yoga, prenatal mat pilates, and prenatal strength training/HIIT. I just can't do the same level of workouts as before, and I also am very mindful of safe exercises for pregnancy.

I really like these classes:
  • Peloton prenatal (mid- and higher-intensity strength/HIIT and lower-intensity yoga)
  • Pregnant & Postpartum TV on YouTube (yoga, mat pilates, and lower-intensity strength/HIIT)
  • NourishMoveLove on YouTube (lower and mid-intensity yoga, lower and and mid-intensity mat pilates, and mid- and higher-intensity strength/HIIT)
@mariamauva My battery is out by 5 so I try to get my movement out before then. I still take regular fitness classes, but I've cut back what I feel safe doing. Since I have friends that take it with me, it forces me out of bed on the weekends and I never regret it even if it's hard to get going sometimes.

I've also redefined what my definition of working out is. Instead of it being an hour of weightlifting or a fitness class, it might just be a 20-30 min prenatal yoga class off of YouTube, a walk, or some low intensity elliptical. Any movement is a win!
@mariamauva If I don't work out 5 days a week or on a set schedule, every day quickly becomes a "rest day". In my first pregnancy I had a three day a week gym schedule for weight lifting, and for this one (so far) I'm continuing to run 20-25 miles a week, though my feet are starting to hurt a lot.