Go To Recovery Items


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What are your top 3 can't-do-without items for recovery in the hospital?


What are your top 3 can't-do-without items for recovery at home once you've left the hospital?

I'll go first: I've had two c-sections (prepping for a third now) so it will be specific to that.

  1. My own hospital gowns (Soft and way better coverage, even if I can't go to the OR in them they are amazing for recovery and breast feeding)
  2. Extra long phone charging cord.
  3. A fan (after each c section I have been sweltering hot and they had to bring in a large fan for me with one of them, I'm taking a small clip on fan this time)
At Home:
  1. Snacks, snacks and more snacks. (I like to go to Costco beforehand and get a bunch of different things and have them stocked in the bedroom in a handy caddy within reach of the bed).
  2. Anything but the hospital underwear. (I've done Depends Silhouettes but the dye in the pad irritates me big time, Always Discreet have been good. This time I want to get some period underwear and see if that is better)
  3. Freezer full of homemade meals. (I always do this and its amazing, starting from the beginning of my pregnancy every 1-2 weeks I will plan a meal that freezes well, make two, eat one and freeze the other. We will go months without cooking dinners, this time I included a few breakfast casseroles as well).
@mitsuha Hello, I had 5 natural childbirths, and each time I needed many things for the hospital, in the last one I couldn't miss my carrier, nightgown, stockings and disposable dressings.

At home I had to have my bed in the dining room and as I am Argentinian I had to have mate, I mean things for me.
@mitsuha Currently prepping for number two here!
  1. Huge water bottle and plenty of snacks
  2. Heavy duty lip balm
  3. Maybe sounds frivolous, but a couple of new outfits that are breastfeeding friendly but still very "me". I need to know that life returns to normal and I'll see the outside world again 😂
@abbiewhite Chapstick is a big one for me too!

And I like to make up a little welcome home gift to myself and splurge on a few things that may not be “needed” for recovery but just make me feel special so I totally get the outfits!