Glucose testing


New member
Okay, I’m coming up on my diabetes testing day (glucose testing) and I am definitely feeling underprepared with what to expect. What should I expect? The good, the bad, the ugly. For some reason I have in my head I’ll be drinking this nasty, hard to get down l, chalk drink that they pump into overdosing people to make them puke it up. How far from that is the truth?

Also, is this testing optional?
@jacob1996 The drink is a little like flat soda. It’s very sweet but it’s drinkable. You don’t want to mess around with gestational diabetes so it’s not something you should skip or try to somehow cheat on. Usually for the one hour test you are not told to fast, but you need to for the 3 hour test. You also don’t get to drink water during it aside from a couple tiny sips and shouldn’t be walking around much. Bring a book or something to do, it’s boring. If you do end up having gestational diabetes, just know that while it sucks it is manageable.
@jacob1996 Yes, it’s optional, but I don’t suggest skipping it.

I got the dye free one, which was lime flavor (maybe lemon-lime) and it tasted like a flat sprite.

My test was in the middle of the day so I had a protein packed breakfast- I skipped a high carb, high sugar meal. I got to the lab, they gave me a refrigerated, sealed, prefilled drink and had 5 minutes to consume. Once you drink it, you can’t eat or drink anything for 1 hour, including water or chewing gum.

If you were able to schedule it at the same time as your standard check up, that would be best, because once you drink, you have 1hr before they take your blood. It’s nice to have sometime to do in the meantime.
@jacob1996 It’s very serious to have unchecked GD, so for the life of your child please don’t skip. The drink is totally fine it’s not bad at all. I’ve had a protein and fat heavy breakfast before my 2 GD tests just to avoid an unnecessary sugar spike, but you can’t fake out the test itself.
@jacob1996 For me, it wasn’t bad at all. 🤷🏽‍♀️ I had an early one at 12w, and my 28w one was earlier this week. It’s just a really sweet drink. If you’ve ever had anything like Fruit Punch or something similar, it’s not crazy different. I chugged it down, waited the hour, and had my blood drawn. Didn’t feel any kind of way at all, except baby was pretty active since it was a cold, sugary drink. 😂 My husband and I went and got a protein-packed breakfast after that because I wanted to even myself out a little, but that’s it.

I’m sure you could refuse, but it is HIGHLY recommended to get tested. There is no other scientifically backed way to test for gestational diabetes. Some people definitely seem to have a worse go of it, but I hope it’s super chill for you!
@jacob1996 It's like flat, gross soda. I signed a waiver that allowed me to sit in my car for each of hour - I would go in, get my blood drawn, then go back to my car. I highly recommend having a snack in your car to eat afterwards if you're required to fast. I was so dizzy and nauseous afterwards. My husband also walked to meet me and drove me home which helped.
@jacob1996 I really enjoyed the drink, I didn't have a choice of flavour so it was just like sweet water (I'm from UK). Reminded me of drinking cordial. Unfortunately I couldn't handle the glucose on an empty stomach and vomited after an hour but most people are absolutely fine with it. I chose not to do it again as my blood tests after fasting before the test were fine and we're just monitoring for symptoms and growth (so far all great at 34 weeks). Good luck :)
Also just to add, in UK you fast from 11pm the night before then have blood test, drink, wait 2 hours then have another blood test