A/B Testing: My experience with Vaginal vs. Scheduled C Section

@mzsky Wow thank you so much for sharing this. I really appreciate how there was no judgement in either way - as there shouldn’t be, but sadly I think there often tends to be.
@mzsky Okay this post is VERY helpful. My first was an induction with vaginal delivery and today I just learned baby is breech (he's also massive and the Dr said even if he flips them recommend a C-section.)

Since you already had one kid, how was your recovery with a C-section with having a newborn and older kid (unsure how far apart your pregnancies were).
@mzsky That is a huge relief! How long was it before you could pick up your toddler? This thought is plaguing me and making me so stressed knowing I prob won't be able to pick up my 2 yr old for a while post C-section. I'm so worried she won't handle that well.
@mzsky Thanks you so much! I was induced with my first and her head was 97% percentile which took 3 hours to push with lots of freaking out when her heart rate dropped. And similar to you, tore and recovery was painful. Now almost 35 weeks with my second baby and she is breech and I was so freaking out about c section, specially the recovery part of it. Your post is ON point and so helpful. Congratulations on your baby!
@mzsky This is super helpful. I had an induction and vaginal delivery with my first which I liked, but may need to have a scheduled c section this time around due to placenta previa. Really helpful to read experiences of people in the same boat for whatever reason!