Glucose testing

@jacob1996 It’s like an overly sweetened McDonald’s orange soda. It’s really not bad. Other than being bored waiting during the 3 hr there’s not much to say. I didn’t get nauseated or anything. I would highly recommend not skipping this testing as the outcomes of untreated diabetes is far worse than the test. I did the 1 and 2 hr during pregnancy and another 2 hr at 8 weeks post partum (in the states and some other places it’s 3hr but for some reason we use 2 hr here). I survived lol.

I assume you are just doing the 1 hr, so you just show up, drink the drink and wait and hour and get your blood done and leave.

2/3 hr you get blood drawn, drink it, blood drawn again at 1 hr and 2 hr (and 3 if it’s 3 hr) and then leave. The place i go doesn’t let you leave, so i just brought headphones and sat in the waiting room.
@jacob1996 Honestly the worst part was it just made me feel sick to my stomach and kind of jittery. My mom went with me and kept me company and we got food right after. I was told I didn't have to fast but to stay away from anything too sugary in the morning. I just had scrambled eggs with hot sauce a few hours before. I have to do mine again next week. Oh the joys of being high risk. 😂 Honestly it's really not that bad and it's so important to make sure you don't have gestational diabetes. It can be extremely bad for you and baby if you have diabetes that isn't managed.
@jacob1996 I had to do the test twice- early at 12 weeks because of my BMI. I failed my 1 hour then had to do 3 hour and it was fine, I fasted overnight and it just felt like a lot of waiting around. The drink tastes like flat soda. My experience taking it again at 25 weeks was a lot different. I went straight to the 3 hour because I didn’t want to have to come in twice. I was so hungry from the beginning and I felt pretty light headed while waiting for my blood to be drawn but overall okay. As I was heading home after my test I got super hot and started sweating a lot and really felt like I was going to pass out. I was horizontal for the rest of the day pretty much just feeling pretty weak. Just got my results from my doctor and my numbers look fine, so no gestational diabetes but I was kind of shocked at my body’s response the second time especially because I felt like I had no symptoms other than feeling a little tired when I did early testing. As a lot of people have said gestational diabetes is a serious condition but can be managed if you and your doctor are aware of it, I don’t regret the extra testing because I want to do everything in my power to keep baby safe. I would say make sure you have a high protein snack for after the test and have a water bottle so you can hydrate afterwards too. If you’re starting with the 1 hour also make sure you have a well balanced high protein breakfast and avoid high carbs/processed carbs bc that can elevate your levels. I would also say be prepared to take it easy for the rest of the day (I took off work).
@jacob1996 If your doctor does not ask you to fast, I really recommend having a low carb high protein meal that morning. I had a carb heavy breakfast and failed the first test, and really would have liked to avoid the second test which was miserable. I passed the second one.