A/B Testing: My experience with Vaginal vs. Scheduled C Section

@mzsky I’m scheduled to be induced this week on the 42w mark so I LOVED reading this, thank you!! Gave baby as long as I could to cook and it is officially time to meet him and I’m excited 🤣
@mzsky Thank you so much for this post! Of the two, which would you do again?

Could you please clarify if the prolapse was a result of the vaginal delivery, or just something that happened to occur with that pregnancy?
@mzsky I want to ask you about your pain with c section. I know I was warned I would feel some sensations and I don’t think it isn’t that I wasn’t at all numb but it was very overwhelming. It made me wonder if there might have been something wrong with my pain medicine. You’re saying you didn’t even notice the incision? Because that was like a paper cut for me but when they put the paddles in I just started screaming that I couldn’t keep going. I just wonder because i don’t know if I was just not aware it would be so uncomfortable or if my numbing didn’t work. I did have a brand new anesthesiologist and she kept telling me “you’ll be numb soon” when we would do a prick test which naturally I would have preferred us to be sure I was numb first? And when I was shouting in pain she kept telling me “you shouldn’t be feeling anything” and “what kind of pain”. Honestly my c section was a really shocking and painful experience, and I just wonder if it wasn’t meant to be from your description?