Forced to use disposables for a few weeks--WHY DOES ANYONE DO THIS?!

@sacredtyras I've noticed that, too! I would say that 30% of poops come out the side and up the back. Of course, I could literally be doing something wrong and would have no idea how to tell. But it's like he sits down once after pooping and SQUISH--everywhere.
@randomelement As a 50/50 cloth and disposable user the disposals are absolutely rank in smell compared to cloth, even pee diapers stink. Pampers I find have the most nauseating stink to them fresh out of the wrapping, so husband uses Huggies cause they don't stink in my experience. Also for the love of God don't open pail disposable can you will make whatever room they're in unliveable!!! Costco is the cheapest we've found for Huggies in bulk think it's around $60 for +100.

It sucks it's really gross and you're lucky it's temporary. The smells tho are by far the worst part. My all day cover never smells as bad as one disposable does.
Pampers I find have the most nauseating stink to them fresh out of the wrapping

I've always imagined pampers to be analogous to Tide. Like, Tide just fucking smells so hard. I've bought clothing from thrift stores where you can tell it was washed in tide or some other equally smelly brand, and it takes months, literally, to get the stink out.
@randomelement Is it because the plastic-y material works like a little balloon, capturing his farts and slowly releasing it throughout the day? Is he just constantly dutch ovening himself?


I am dying laughing at this.
@randomelement Completely agree! We’ve been fortunate that we’ve had a great experience with cloth. Aside from 2 weeks in hospital when my daughter was born we’ve only had to use one disposable in 6 months (early days and didn’t take enough cloth out with me!)
I personally don’t understand why anyone would not want to use cloth as it’s been so inexpensive for us and easy. I’m saying that I do understand not everyone will have such a positive experience!
@peniel We've had an awesome experience with it, too! :D And baby is 17 months old, and I'm thinking his rash is more allergy related than anything else the more research I do. Bah. But hopefully we'll be potty training soon and we can just be extra careful in cloth until then.
@randomelement As a disposables fan who is on this sub for the curiosity and to see how the other side does it, the better quality the diapers are, the better they sit, fit, last, smell and treat the babies butts. Bad quality disposable diapers are so so so gross, ugly, ill fitting and can't hold any amount of liquid. I usually go through 4-6 expensive disposable diapers a day and I have twins. I can go through 0-1 disposable a day with twins if I size up and use a reusable insert. It doesn't have to be one way or the other.
@sandyoriane Yeah, with a good disposable I only change after poos which often is 2 a day. That's what makes them easy for me. I do use cloth sometimes but I had way more problems with leakage, multiple changes a day, nappy rash, and honesty having to get close and personal with the poo is a huge turn off
@satan1568 You don’t also do before bed, first thing in the morning, and after naps? I know sometimes those coincide with poops but that plus poops seems like it should be bare minimum.
@anglic9823 It sounds like that is indeed what they’re saying....pretty wild. I can’t imagine any health organization recommending that infrequently regardless of absorbency
@randomelement I feel the same way about the way they smell. It's no wonder most disposables are scented. They gotta hide that chemical smell. I wonder if it's the super absorbent stuff that stinks.