For a split second, I thought my 4 y/o was gonna get my ass kicked today

@evenif Breaks my heart when people don't say hi back to my 21 month old lol...she just screams "HI!" Louder and louder until they say hi back...but sometimes they don't even when she's screaming at them.
@mmelanie My son is like that too! Last summer, we were out for a walk, he was 3 at the time. An older lady walks by and he says hi to her, as he does to literally everyone. She doesn't acknowledge him at all. He repeats himself like 4 times, getting louder each time until he is literally yelling at her. She still completely ignores him. For the next like 4 days he kept asking me, "Daddy, why didn't the lady say hi to me?" He was so upset by it, it broke my heart. I just said, "well buddy, maybe she was having a sad day. I bet you cheered her up though!" He doesn't need to know yet that some people just suck lol.
@mmelanie My kid was desperate to show two women her new strawberry coin pouch today. She's 2.5 yo and these women not only didn't answer her but literally shoved her out the way and nearly knocked her over (and no she didn't touch them, block their path, touch their stuff or otherwise bother them. They were literally standing still near an earring display next to the till while I was paying). I just told her "the ladies are shopping, let's leave them be" but I was fuming inside, not so much that they ignored her but that they were openly mean.
@nicolakirwan This. Just a way to recognize other riders. It’s an unofficial club wave to all bikers. My favorite is doing it to people on mopeds when I was on my Harley or my sport bike. Many odd looks in response to my wave but hey, they are on a two wheeled motorized vehicle as well. It counts to me but I know most don’t wave to them. Some assholes won’t wave to sport bikes if they are on Harley’s or vice versa but they’re jerks and don’t get the spirit of the wave.
@sampaul Walking my 2 year old nephew in to our regular cafe when the local outlaw motorcycle gang is stopping for coffee.

He runs over blows the first few kisses and fist bumps the rest on the way out.

Bikers love it giving him a little shout on the way out.
@sampaul Nothing warms my heart more than a big scary biker/goth/metal/punk dude or dudette being sweet to kids! Probably explains my massive crush on Amos Burton..

Great story dad!