For a split second, I thought my 4 y/o was gonna get my ass kicked today

@mkp1218 Didn't expect The Expanse here but love it. Amos being on of the best characters of both the books and show. Hope we get to see the last books adapted at some point
@taketime Yeah i was just telling my wife last night my brain is like 30% bluey, 30% itysl, 30% Expanse at this point. The rest is just a cosmic gumbo of work/family/home improvement projects and a dash of chronic depression for good measure.

Amos’ relationship with Mei was just adorable, that scene at the end of calibans war when >! Amos and bobbie are tossing mei back and forth in zero g made me fucking cry like a baby. !
@sampaul Most of us are big goofballs that look that way bc we made some uneducated decisions in our younger years. I literally won a teddy bear award once. My dad has never let me live that down but I love kids and pretty much everyone.

I work construction and my guys say I’m looking mean but I’m really thinking about our jobs/customers. My tattoos were from younger years that I don’t live anymore.
@suemf I don’t ride .. but all of my adult life many people have just assumed that I’m mean/easy to anger/violent,, that type of thing … when that couldn’t be further from the truth ….. I’m just ugly .. and I’ve had what most would consider a rough life
@sampaul my mom loves to tell the story of the time her close friend and their kid were on an elevator- a black man entered a few floors after they got on. my moms friend’s kid says “mom, i don’t think i like black people” and she said “well you chose a hell of a time to let me know” and everyone there lost their shit laughing
@sarahelizabeth07 We traveled showing horses when I was younger in the 90s so we always had a CB radio to hear the truckers and one time I was in the elevator and a cop got on and I looked at my grandma and said “that guy doesn’t look like a bear or a pig”

She was tougher than nails but she was pretty embarrassed 😂
@sampaul This reminds me of the guy I work with who is also my best bud. He’s got a huge beard and muscles and scary tattoos. But he literally helps old lady’s cross the street and turns on the flashers on the work truck to block people so others can get out in traffic jams. Refers to people as dear or honey. You would t believe it if I showed you a picture of him.
@sampaul When I was about her age, my mom and I were standing in line at the grocery store behind a black woman. In the usual loud children’s voice I asked “mom, why do some black women dye their hair orange?” My mom wanted to crawl under the shopping cart but the woman let out a big laugh and said “honey, sometimes we try to dye it blonde and it just doesn’t always work out” and everyone had a good laugh. Got to love the simple, beautiful honesty of children. I love this story so thank you for sharing OP.