First-time pregnancy! Turning 40 in two months :)

@beforebabel Congrats!!
41 and pregnant. It will be my first. I’ve always been a late bloomer in life. 18 weeks and feeling great now. Good luck on your journey!
@yellowheart Of course! About 2 years ago (age 37ish) I had some blood tests and found I had low progesterone. I started taking a progesterone topical days 14 - 28 of my cycle, which I have continued with since. I also started taking vitex to help regulate my periods (I have had irregular periods most of my life). I have been taking a prenatal vitamin for the past couple of years as well, and I started taking COq10 in the past two months on no one's recommendation- my mom gave it to me and I was looking into things that can stimulate ovulation, and some studies say this has helped. I am not a doctor! And I have not been to one in two years, so please keep in mind I am just sharing what I have done :)

My partner also had his sperm tested and got a thumbs up. This was just more information for us to have.

I have been taking my basal temp each morning for years and charting it as well. When we started trying in earnest (past 8 months or so), we would have sex every few days around when I thought I might be ovulating. I started using ovulation test strips (ordered them from Natalist) a couple of months ago. I liked these strips because I would use one each day of my cycle and notice when it aligned with temp changes; also you can see the lines getting darker closer to ovulation so you know it's a good time to try. I think my window was really short- last month I never saw a huge temperature spike nor did I ever get the really dark ovulation coloring- in fact, I had a very sad day where I considered that I might just not be ovulating. My partner was super supportive and I think because of that we had a more connected, romantic month and ended up having sex 3 times in two days during the window :) this is when we got pregnant. I also read that afternoon sex is a good time!

Other than that, I didn't treat my body especially well... I am doing a whole lifestyle change now, and it's a major shift for me. Please feel free to ask me anything else! I think that's the long and short of my journey :) I hope you find what helps you!!
@yellowheart I'm feeling really good! Well, exhausted. That's my major symptom. I was battling some epic constipation for a few weeks, but I do feel like things are normalizing. I haven't had any morning sickness, just a little nausea here and there and some near-migraine headaches. I am trying to stay really hydrated (something I have never been good at) which seems to help. Otherwise, I am just eating all the time (and everything, especially fruit and cottage cheese which I can't seem to get enough of, though the past few weeks I am very anti-meat) and sleeping as much as possible. Thank you for asking! I am beginning week 13 today.