First-time pregnancy! Turning 40 in two months :)


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I'm overjoyed. My partner of nearly 9 years and I are sort of late bloomers... we really decided that we wanted to become parents just a couple of years ago, and have only been trying in earnest for about 8 months or so. I think I had come to believe it might not be possible, as I have never been pregnant before. Anyway, I took 7 pregnancy tests in the past 24 hours from 3 different brands, just to be sure, haha.

I know it's a long journey and I am trying to remain optimistic and realistic at the same time. I live in Idaho, and unfortunately, most OBGYNs left the state because of the stringent anti-abortion laws, so I won't be able to see anyone until I'm at about 8 weeks. I am committed to being healthy and taking vitamins and doing what I can (also going into the one local Planned Parenthood which is still 15 miles away to chat with a doctor and to have someone else tell me it's real! Hahah). I just wanted to come to a place where people are talking about being pregnant at an older age. :)
@beforebabel We are very similar. Been with my husband 8 years and we finally decided to start trying about 1.5 years ago. Currently pregnant and just turned 40. People always said there's no perfect time to have kids, but for us, this is the perfect time and I'm so glad we waited. Good luck with your pregnancy!
@beforebabel Just had my first at 37, planning for another one in a few years. Physically exhausted but so much better established in life than I would have been had I done it 10-15 years ago. You’re gonna rock it!!
@vsamt2 I feel that! I have had a great, free-wheeling life and only just recently have I felt the urge to become a parent. It couldn't have happened any earlier than now.

Everytime someone leaves a comment telling me I'm gonna rock it it makes me cry. Maybe I'm hormonal but I just think I am feeling really excited and also, like I agree. I know I will! So thank you!
@beforebabel Congratulations!! Wishing you a happy and healthy pregnancy. My due date is the day before my 41st birthday, happy birthday to me 😂 didn't expect to be having my first baby at this ripe age but here we are 🥰
@beforebabel Congratulations! I'm 41 and about to have my 2nd any day now. Had my son at 38. I hope your pregnancy goes very smoothly and you're able to enjoy every little kick and milestone!
@beforebabel Very similar here! I’m 39, been with my husband for 11 years. I’ll give birth to our first a few weeks before I turn 40. We decided to start trying last year and got pregnant pretty quickly.

Pregnancy kind of sucks but we are so much more mature and financially stable. I’m glad we waited until we were ready. Congratulations and good luck to you! Such an exciting time!
@beforebabel Congrats!! I’m 38 and my husband and I have been trying for 10 months now. Got fertilization testing right before this cycle and had heard pregnancy rates can go up after the saline solution bubble test and I just tested yesterday and got double pink lines!! I’m officially 4 weeks today, trying to stay cautiously optimistic these next several weeks.