First Time Mom Expecting Twins!


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Hi! I am currently 8w3d with identical twins! I had a missed miscarriage at 9weeks back in December so this is not my first pregnancy. I go for an ultrasound next week to (hopefully) find out if they're mono/di or mono/mono twins. Just looking for any and all advice! I'm a worrier naturally so my anxiety has been thru the roof! I'm not really sure what to expect and I feel like there is so m u c h info. to try and learn about twins. I also don't know many people with identical twins so don't really feel like I have anyone to talk to/who can relate so figured I would look here! TIA for any advice or peace of mind:)
@2nephi Congratulations!!💕 my mo/di twins were born a week ago today.

The waiting game between that first ultrasound and the second is so hard. From what I was told, mo/mo is way more rare than mo/di. By 12 weeks they were able to see the membrane that separated their amniotic sacs and I could finally take a nice deep breath (I’m also a worrier).

The biggest piece of advice I have, and something I wish I took more seriously during my pregnancy, is to stay off of google. I googled so much in the beginning and it was like sensory overload. It made my anxiety way worse and the information I was getting was not always accurate. If you have any questions, it’s always best to ask your provider because everyone’s pregnancy is going to be a little different and your provider will be able to give you an answer that makes sense for your situation.

The second piece of advice is to look for local mommy groups on Facebook. I’ve found so much support through mine! I even found another mo/di twin mom in the area. It’s also a great place to source second hand items for your little ones (I’m huge on not buying everything brand new)!

My experience with pregnancy was not great but I made it to the end and it’s all so worth it. Congratulations again and I wish you the best of luck!
@wendywrites Agreed,always discuss with your doctor/OBGYN with any concerns or knowledge inquiries you may have this way you know the truth instead of random things people find online what can make you worry more about then you really need to be.
@2nephi I have almost 1 (😭) di/di twins. Be careful about reading too much because there is so much negativity surrounding twins. It's very hard but even more rewarding! Make sure you are reading some feel-good positive posts too so you don't start to stress too much. Congrats on your babies! I'm excited for you!
@2nephi I’m in the same boat! First US we heard 1 heartbeat but saw 2 sacs- 9 week US we saw 2 sacs and 2 heartbeats. We go in for our confirmation and measurements US tomorrow! (10w4d)

This subreddit has been helpful so far but same, it’s a lot and seems scary and intimidating! I also don’t have anyone in my close proximity to ask about… so I have definitely had to rely on Google/forums. I try to avoid the rant ones and read informational posts only, for now because it’s too early to be scared and I still can’t relate.

I’d also welcome any advice! And congrats!!!
@2nephi Hi there! I have 5 month old identical twins. My best advice is to take things one day at a time and (like others have said) stay off Google haha. There’s tons of scary stuff out there surrounding identical twins but there’s also so many success stories (my family is one of them!) And even if things don’t go 100% according to plan, modern medicine is a miracle!

Think about it this way - people have been giving birth to identical twins for literally hundreds of thousands of years and for the vast majority of that time they didn’t receive the medical attention that we receive today. Don’t get me wrong - that healthcare can be lifesaving! But there’s literally never been a better or safer time in history to be pregnant with identical twins.

Also, don’t buy into all the fear mongering around multiples. Yes, it can be hard at times, but it’s also so amazing and joyful!
@2nephi Hi! I’m currently 14 weeks pregnant with twins. I have a fantastic care team and was an IVF patient who transferred one embryo that split into two. From the beginning, the doctors assumed Mono, and at week 9 (still an IVF patient) you could clearly see the separate sacs so the babies were diagnosed mono/di. Our OB also diagnosed Mono/Di at week 12 because the membrane was so clear. At week 14, the membrane was hardly visible, but now the docs are seeing two placentas! One anterior and one posterior. I even got a second opinion. No doctor saw or even contemplated the possibility of two placentas before. And even with my lay understanding, the early ultrasounds certainly looked Mono/Di. Now I’m being treated as Mono/Di out of an abundance of caution until 20 weeks, but at that time my diagnosis will likely officially change to Di/Di. I say all of this because ultrasounds are not perfect technology. Things may change throughout your pregnancy. Make sure you go to all of your appointments and trust your OB and MFM team :) You’ve got this!
@mrswayne Oh wow that's really interesting! So even if they tell me one thing next week it could still change, great to know! Thank you so much and good luck to you!!
@2nephi If you have a supportive partner and are bottle feeding I highly recommend a shift schedule for overnights vs everyone waking up every time or alternating wake ups. We did 8p-2a and 2A-8a. Dad was responsible for all overnight things until 2am so I could get a solid 6 hours every night, and I was responsible from 2-8 so he could get the same 6 hours. We kept the babies in the living room during this time and whoever's shift it was stayed on the couch so the other person could sleep more soundly.
@2nephi Congratulations!
I had a similar experience to you. I had a miscarriage and then twins (modi). I won't lie, the pregnancy was a bit of a rollercoaster but they are almost one now and they are just the absolute best. Happy to chat about anything you are concerned about or want to know.
@2nephi I have no advice, but my wife and I went to our first ultrasound (7 weeks) last Friday and they found 2 heartbeats! Identical twins!

We were floored and still processing. We did IVF and were expecting a longer journey? But we’re joking that we got the buy one, get one free. 😅 Wishing you the best! This is a wild journey. I feel like my life is both ending and just beginning lol.
@kum77 lol it's definitely a shock to hear theres 2 but also very exciting! Congrats to you and your wife and good luck to you both thru this journey!