First pregnancy : Am I the only one that has periods of doubt and fear that I'll miss my pre-child life?

@lumpyspaceprincess Yes! I am 38 and just gave birth about 3 weeks ago. I mourned my pre-child life throughout my pregnancy. I was on the fence about wanting kids until I was 32. The thing that I always turned to (and still do even now!) was that I KNEW what childfree life looks like. And my choice was either continue with the safe and known or explore a new journey. And since I want to ride as many rides in the amusement park of life as possible, I wouldn’t be happy not experiencing parenthood and making a person with the best person I know (my husband). The new may be scary, but it also opens up so many adventures.
@lumpyspaceprincess I cried on my walk with my dog today because I said to her it’ll be one of the last times it’s just us. I am a teacher and go back soon, so I’m extra sad today.
@lumpyspaceprincess Yes. I felt exactly the same way with my first child. These feelings even crept into my thoughts more often than I want to admit once she was born. Everything was so uncertain and I didn’t know what the hell I was doing. This little being just magically develops and decides to come out in the most bizarre and challenging way. She 100% relies on you for everything and is so fragile. There’s so much to take in over such a short period. But here’s the thing, once my daughter began to express her personality to me, her smiles and laughter and quirky things that made me fall so deeply in love with her that nothing was more important than the role of being her mom. My past life was just a side note. She just turned 15 two days ago. 🥰 I had 2 more after that and the feelings have just grown stronger. Your feelings are normal when you deeply understand that your entire world is about to change the instant your child is born. It’s ok to want to go back to those carefree (and let’s be honest, clueless) times of the past. You’ll still get carefree moments, they’ll just be different and more mature. Welcome to motherhood! The most important role you’ll ever be given. ❤️
@lumpyspaceprincess I definitely felt like this especially in the beginning. I felt so guilty for regretting getting pregnant. But now i have more days where I just love him so much. I still wish on some days that i could sleep uninterrupted or that i can go to the store by myself.
@lumpyspaceprincess It’s completely normal, 25 and always wanted to be a parent, but I do miss being able to hang out with friends and have a cocktail, its also bittersweet thinking it won’t be just my wife and I anymore
@lumpyspaceprincess When I met my now fiancé 8 years ago he had 2 children from a previous relationship but since their mother hated that they weren't together anymore she withheld the kids a lot in the beginning so we didn't see them as often as we wanted but it was also nice to have us time and maybe that sounds selfish but it's the truth. I always knew I wanted to be a mom and I loved his kids but I did enjoy the break every now and again well about 6 months in I found out I was pregnant surprise! Lol I was so happy and excited but then after the shock wore off I realized what that meant that as soon as the baby was born we would always have at least 1 kids around and I would be lying if I said that didn't give me anxiety and make me a little apprehensive and I felt that way on and off all the way until the day before my son was born. Everything changed the day of his birth all those worries just washed away and were replaced with overwhelming love for this little person we created. Now I would be lying if I said I don't need a break from my kids every now and again but I think that goes for just about every parent but I never regretted having my son or my other son I had last year or my fiancé having his kids who I love with all my heart it's a little scary and maybe overwhelming to think about. You definitely not alone in your thinking but after your baby is born you'll see everything is the way it should be and it's definitely worth it
I've read every single one of these comments & they've brought me so much peace and reassurance...even newfound excitement for what will be the "new me" 🥰🥰...i mean truly just knowing that so many people have these feelings helps tremendously. Thank you all so very much from the bottom of my heart 🥰♥️