Final Miscarriage

@nicholasb I don't have any of the right words for you, just know that your having wanted your pregnancy, any uncertainty aside, is what makes her a baby. It's clear you showed love, from these words you've written, you are a good mom ❤️ I hope you can find a way to honor her and find peace with your family.
@nicholasb Thank you for sharing this ❤️ it’s so beautiful how much you loved your babies. There are no words to make your loss any less painful, but I do hope you find ways to grieve and find peace when you are ready.
@nicholasb Sorry for your loss. I had a stillbirth and decided to get a little pink gemstone on the inside of my eternity ring. Only my hubby and 3.5yo know (only hubby knows the meaning). I wear it all the time and think about her often and wonder what life would’ve been like having 2 little girls 2 years apart. We are happy and content with being one and done now but that little personal reminder certainly helps me daily.
Nothing to say other than I’m thinking of you. It really is shit.
@winterrosesmama I’m really sorry for your loss. That’s a really beautiful way to remember your girl always. I’m not sure yet how to manage this grief over not having another baby, but I reckon time and therapy… I was in a good place before this loss, so I hope to get back there
@mitzivasquez Thank you. It was good to write it out, and I think I will write more (maybe not publicly, not sure, I don’t want to come across too ‘much’). My son is so loved, I am often glad I have shared custody as I would smother him too much lol
@nicholasb I am sorry for your losses. I had three failed pregnancies in 2 years so I know the feeling. I told myself if I were to have another it would be before I am 35. 35 came and went and now I am the grieving process of accepting the fate that was drawn. I would love another but I feel like the universe is telling me to stop.

What I did was I got these ornaments with the name I gave my children (unisex) and the date of the miscarriage. I know that is morbid but they were hope for me and all had a heartbeat so they were living even though most people would say it was so early.

I wish you strength and hope. I hope your partner is understanding and can give your the support you need to come to your decision.

@colton112 Hey I don’t think that’s morbid at all, it’s a lovely idea. It’s not like any of us will forget these losses, might as well honour them.
My ‘cut off’ age was 40, and I already went over it (I would have given birth at 41) but I don’t regret trying one last time, against all odds. I didn’t have closure in my heart, now I know there was nothing I could have done.
