Fertility Testing - blood test results


New member
Hope this is appropriate as a standalone post, wasn't sure if I should post in the daily.

I've received my fertility blood test results from my GP. The receptionist said all the results look fine except the progesterone (I explained this might be because the bloods were taken on CD4 and I'd need another blood test around CD21)

Anyway, below are my results. The GP only goes through them with you if there's an issue so I have no idea what any of it means (did a quick google and they look okay to me) Can any experts tell me their thoughts? I've requested a doctor calls me tomorrow to discuss the progesterone issue and so I'd like to know if anything else needs querying.

Background info: Regular cycles ranging from 28 to 31 days, 14 day LP.

Test date: CD4

TSH: 2.59 mu/L

Oestradiol: 168 mu/L

Prolactin: 460 mu/L

LH: 7u/L

FSH: 7u/L

Testosterone: 1.0 nmol/L

Progesterone: < 1 nmol/L

That's all the testing they'll do for now until the 1.5 year mark (even though the NHS website says only 1 year...!) We also tried to arrange DH's sperm analysis through the NHS but they've scheduled him in for the end of September on what will likely be O and so I'm speaking to a private clinic and we will hopefully get a SA a lot sooner and on a date that suits us.

And if anyone is interested, below is a full blood count:

Total white blood count: 5.7 10*9/L

Red blood cell count: 4.38 10*12/L

Haemoglobin: 130 g/L

Haematocrit: 0.378

Mean cell haemoglobin volume: 86.3 fL

Mean cell haemoglobin concentration: 344 g/L

Red blood cell distribution width: 13.1

Platelet count: 236 10*9/L

Lymphocyte count: 2.3 10*9/L

Monocyte count: 0.4 10*9/L

Neutrophil count: 0.1 10*9/L

Eosinophil count: 0.1 10*9/L

Basophil count: 0.0 10*9/L

NRBC's: 0.0 10*9/L

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