Feelings you’d have twins..?

@twinmum When I got pregnant with my first child, I could feel her. I told my husband at 6-7 weeks pregnant, it’s a girl! I can feel this baby, and i know she’s a girl. It was interesting because we had zero preference on gender. Sure enough, it was a girl. Then the next time I got pregnant, it felt like a boy (similar to the first pregnancy feeling), but something just felt different. I couldn’t put my finger on it. Twins never once crossed my mind. Then on the first ultrasound day, I was incredibly nervous. Not sure why because I had done this before… but I was so nervous I felt nauseous (I didn’t have that as a pregnancy symptom). Then boom, find out it’s twins (identical boys I found out later).
@twinmum A couple days after I found out I was pregnant I texted my husband saying I had a feeling there was more than one baby. We joked about how chaotic that would be because our oldest was a few months over 2yo and our second was 7mo, and assumed I was just imagining things. By the time it came for my first ultrasound a month later I had kind of forgotten about that feeling because my first trimester symptoms hadn’t been too bad yet, so it was still a huge surprise. I’m so glad I texted him to tell him about the feeling!
@twinmum When I was a teenager, I'd tell anyone who'd listen that I wanted twins when I was older. I even tried to google how to make my odds higher. I have no family history and nothing that makes my chances higher to convince twins. I forgot all about that for about 6 years. But the morning before my first ultrasound, I got a Facebook memory that my mother posted years ago saying how she hopes I get twins, too. Sure enough, a couple hours later, I found out and was shocked. I was expecting twins 😅
@twinmum I joint this group like 3 years ago but my twins are only 10 months old hahaha.

I had the NIPT test form from my 6 week midwife appointment but hadn’t had a scan. It was on the fridge, every time I walked past I just felt like the tick was in the wrong place for single or twin pregnancy. Sure enough we had to get it changed to a twin NIPT after our dating scan
@twinmum After my first positive tests and early symptoms (roughly 4 weeks) I had a dream it was twins. Woke up and did not think of it again until my 12 week ultrasound when they told me it was twins.
@twinmum My husband said it was twins for weeks before we found out. I didn’t have an ultrasound done until almost 16 weeks, but he asked the doctor on video at 12 weeks while she was listening to the heart beat if it was one or two babies, and she said one. 😂