Feelings you’d have twins..?

@twinmum We did IUI to conceive so it definitely was on our radar. My betas were really high which made me more sure despite our nurse being all “nah it can still be a singleton!” Prior to that, no.

But I had a strong feeling it was two at that point, and felt that it was a boy and a girl. When we went for our first ultrasound they found baby A, and I had this feeling of like ok, where’s the second one? And she found B the next second and was all omigod, two! Are you so surprised?! And I just kind of felt like uh, duh? No? 🤣
@twinmum I always knew. I was actually confused when my daughter was a singleton. I figured I must have been wrong.

I went in for my six-week scan for my second and found out I’d be having my second and third. They’re there now. They’re fraternal, so my husband and I decided three children were plenty after I had them.
@twinmum My wife had been telling me for literally more than a decade “We’re going to have identical twin girls and be done.” Guess what? Identical twin girls and we’re done.
@twinmum My mom has twin siblings, so I always knew I carried the gene. I always said as a naive teen that if I was gonna have twins, I hoped it would be my second pregnancy, so I would already have parenting experience under my belt when they cane along.

When I got pregnant for the second time at 25yo, I had an intuition that it could be twins, so at my 13 week checkup I asked my midwife to test my hormone levels and see if there were any indications. I felt movement at 8 weeks from conception, but my hormone levels seemed normal.

My twins were a surprise at 28 weeks since I had opted for no scans. My oldest was 15 months old when they were born. Life has been a zoo ever since.
@twinmum In 2017, my girlfriends and I went an did our annual 10 minute palm reading at a psychic, followed by drinks at a bar, and that year the psychic mentioned that I'd have twins in the future. We all wrote down the predictions the psychic said and I always held onto the twin piece.
I have always wanted twins as a kid, and when the psychic said it, I just started telling people as fact. I ignored everything else the psychic said and looking back, not much of it came true.
When I met my partner in 2019, it was always a running joke that we'd have twins. I have many texts with him throughout the next years joking about making sure our house would have enough space for the twins and how after our wedding, the twins were going to be our next big financial mountain.
Then in September 2023 we went for our first ultrasound and were truly in disbelief that it was twins! Neither of us have twins in the family and it was just so random.
The first thing my husband said, in jest, was "how do you always get what you want?"
When we told my close friends and family it was twins, everyone was like ..."wait... Haven't you been saying this for years that you'd have twins?!"
So it does feel so serendipitous! And they will be with us in 9 days!! We can't wait :)
@twinmum Me and my college friends used to discuss how many kids we'd like in the future and I'd be like, actively, vehemently hoping I'd never have twins. It was a dream for some of my friends. One of them thought if it as a shortcut, one pregnancy two babies, Done. I'd call her ridiculous.
Guess who had twins? Me.
We laugh about it now though.

My husband though... Has weirdly predictive dreams.
One night before going in for my first ever ultrasound, he told me he saw we had another baby, and then he had to rush to another room because there was another newborn baby there!! His sister was holding this one, so he woke up confused, and thought maybe his Sister might be pregnant too.
The next day, we get and Ultrasound, and the Dr says, you're having Twins and we go 🤯
But his dream makes sense then. 😅
@twinmum TW for Loss...

Pregnancies 1-5 I always asked the tech to "make sure there's not two!" "You're sure it's not twins?" And the tech and doc would ask "Why, would you like twins?" And I always said "NO. I'm scared to death of having twins! I could never!"

So when we had pregnancy 6, no twins STILL and that resulted in my oldest singleton (clomid assistance needed for my husband), I was so happy and relieved.

Surprise, out of the blue pregnancy 7? Twins. Mind you, I'd gone to the same clinic the whole time and thought the tech was making a really horrible joke. I just kept saying "nooooo..." over and over. We had an infertility diagnosis for crying out loud!

But now having fixed up three little Easter baskets for the 2-year-old and the 1-year-olds I wouldn't have traded it for anything.
@twinmum My husband knew. Anytime I’d say “the baby” he’d correct me and say “the babies.” I was shocked at the first ultrasound but he wasn’t. He was also hoping for twins so I think he manifested it lol
@twinmum I prayed to God many times asking him for twins and I literally cried and was shaking when I saw them both in the ultrasound and I thanked Jesus. He answered my prayers!!!! Amen!!
@twinmum Yes. But I believe in the eternal soul. So I believe that souls don’t begin at birth nor end at life. So I believe that they can tap on our minds.

I also think that many have twins and feel like they will have twins but it never seemed to manifest. But these moms could have had twins that pass without them knowing.

Anyway, that’s me.

But I also think that some twins/multiples say “let’s surprise mom and dad” and just come out of nowhere.
@twinmum It happened to my wife she kept saying there's 2 in there after her positive pregnancy test. Then we got the first ultrasound and they saw multiple sacs.
@twinmum Yes, this has happened to me. I knew since I was a kid that I would have twins and was saying it often. I can even remember having a dream of me having twins years before my twins were born. Fast forward I went through ivf and during my first ultrasound it showed one baby so I assumed that I was only having one and went back weeks later to reveal I that there were two babies.
@twinmum No but I was pregnant with my “third” and I immediately knew it was twins. I told my two best friends that it was, my mom and grandma. I told the ultrasound tech and they were so shocked when they did the ultrasound and saw twins! So it wasn’t my third but my third and fourth!
@twinmum So funny enough I never ever imagined it for myself but I’ve always been fascinated by twins! When I first started dating my now husband and we were playfully discussing kids in the future, he mentioned we may have twins and I laughed it off but he was serious. He’s always known it would be twins.