Feelings you’d have twins..?

@twinmum Never. Our friends that have single babies always mentioned how much they wanted twins.
We got two puppies at the same time years ago and told them it was tough to manage and we could never imagine having twins.
Fast forward 5+ years, we were the ones blessed with twin boys, now 16 months old. Crazy.
@twinmum Yes!! My husband always said let’s see what one kid is like (when I asked how many kids he wants) and for the 12 years we have been together before our kids “but what if it’s twins, I think we could have twins.” So much so that when they said they saw two sacks we looked at each other and laughed, I had been preparing him for it for years!!

I also put together a vision board the year I got pregnant and didn’t realize I had 2 pictures of twins
@twinmum I was a nanny for twins in my early 20s. When I found out I was pregnant my husband said it’s twins and deep down I knew. At the ultrasound we were not at all surprised and were very calm. The doctor was not expecting that reaction lol
@twinmum Yep. We thought so when we were first engaged and talking about kids. We had two kids 8 and 11 years later and decided we were done. 2 weeks before his vasectomy and I had an IUD we found out we were having twins 🤦🏼‍♀️😅 my husband is a twin and I have quite a few twins on both sides of my family but the odds were ridiculous! So weird
@twinmum Absolutely, I've heard some pretty incredible stories along those lines! There was a friend of mine who always felt drawn to the idea of having twins.

From a young age, she'd dream about it, even choosing names for her hypothetical twin children. She said it was more than just a wish; it felt like a deep-seated certainty that one day she'd have twins.

Despite the odds and no history of twins in her family, she gave birth to twin boys a few years ago. She describes it as a mix of destiny meeting desire, a sort of intuition that became a beautiful reality.

Hearing her talk about it is truly fascinating—it's like some part of her always knew what her future held.

It’s stories like these that make you wonder about the power of intuition and how deeply connected we can be to our futures, even in ways we don't fully understand.
@twinmum Kind of….I distinctly remember telling someone that “it would suck to have twins”….couple of months later I was pregnant with twins hahaha. Mine are 4 now. Some days it’s incredibly hard with 2 boys and some days it’s the greatest. But I think about that a lot. I like to think God was telling I don’t know what I’m talking about when it comes to blessings
@twinmum I always liked the thought of twins, but didn't put much thought into it. TMI- but I can tell when implantation happens. I also felt when they split. I got nauseous for both cases. Then as pregnancy continued there was just too much activity. Idk how else to explain it. So, I didn't know beforehand, but I knew right away.
@twinmum Also yes! No crazy story, but I always just had a low intensity feeling I would have twins. I never mentioned it to anybody (including my husband) because I thought so little of it. My niece was a micropreemie so I very much did not want twins because I was afraid of all the risks and saw lots of twins in the NICU with her. But I didn’t really have a reaction when I went for an early ultrasound at 6 weeks to check on some bleeding and saw two embryos. Before the ultrasound tech even said anything, I thought to myself very calmly “of course it’s two”. My husband was very, very shocked and just kept repeating “two? It’s two?” 😆 Thankful to have two happy, healthy identical boys who are best, best friends and thriving in toddlerhood together!
@twinmum My Dad is a twin and everyone said when I was a kid “it skips a generation” so I just assumed I would have them told everyone I was going to have twins. In my mind it would always be two boys (combinations like Ryan and Bryan and Don and Todd…yikes) Did I manifest it? Maybe? While twins run in the family, my dad is a fraternal twin. Mine are mono mono girls so just random. It probably helped I was over 35. But when I started to tell people, the thing I heard a lot was, “didn’t you always used to say you were going to have twins?”
@twinmum Yea. Well, kinda. I’m a twin and so is my fiancé and we always joked about having twins ourselves. Twins kinda run in my family but usually skip a generation, but not with me. My fiancé was an IVF twin so we kinda doubted we’d have twins😂 even my family made jokes that we’d have twins when they found out I was pregnant 😂it’s crazy how the world works
@twinmum YESS! My whole life I said I knew I was going to have twins! My mom even told me when I was a little girl playing with my dolls I’d always talk about twins. And lone behold, I had twin boys! The universe works in crazy ways ❤️
@twinmum I kept seeing twin announcements on a birth month group I'm in on fb. Talked to my husband telling him how crazy it was. Laughed and moved on. Went to my first scan and had a feeling that I shrugged off. Saw 2 sacks on the screen and did not say a word or ask about it because I was thinking that ain't my business it ain't me on the screen. I'm not having twins. Then the ladies in the room and tech kept staring at me lol and I was ignoring the 2 sacks 🤣 then they were like so you know what you're looking at, have you noticed there's 2? I tried to play the oblivious card LOL. At that point they saw 2 yolk sacs. Went back today and 2 tiny heart Beats. I dont feel like im having twins. There's no twins in my side of the family although my husband's brother has a set of fraternal twins but it's my understanding that they'd run in the mothers side to be hereditary.
@twinmum We often say that we manifested our twins because so many people “joked” about us having twins before we found out. The morning of our first ultrasound I told my best friend that I wouldn’t be surprised if it was twins. I was right about the twins but wrong about not being surprised because I was shocked 😂 when I showed the ultrasound to my best friend that day, she just got quiet and said “that’s so creepy” 😳😅