Feelings you’d have twins..?

@twinmum My dad is a fraternal twin. Everyone loved to tell me that twins skip a generation so I'd likely have twins. I believed it too! After my son I kinda figured it wouldn't happen. We went to try for #2 and ended up with identical twins!
@twinmum I dreamt that my husband and I were in an RV with our oldest and then there were two babies the same age. I woke up and told my husband not really thinking too much about it. But, I had also dreamt years prior about being pregnant with our oldest when we weren’t trying and because of the dream I took a pregnancy test.

Months later I was pregnant with twins.
@twinmum The day I found out I was pregnant I had a dream that it was twins! I totally wrote it off as just a dream and then I got to the ultrasound at 7 weeks and the tech turned to my husband and I and was like, “Are you ready for a surprise?” 😂 It’s crazy but I do feel like my body already knew I was having twins and was trying to tell me!
@twinmum I always felt that if I got pregnant I would have twins. I said it as a child. When I did get pregnant, I had a feeling because of how quick the test popped up positive. I kept accidentally saying babies instead of baby. Sure enough, I’m 19 weeks pregnant with twins.
@twinmum Not really BUT kind of… I miscarried my first pregnancy last summer - a missed miscarriage at 12 weeks and it was mono-di twins. After that, I kept having this reoccurring sort of deep seeded doom feeling that I was only going to be able to get pregnant with mono twins and then my body wouldn’t be capable of carrying them to term. Ridiculous, I’d tell myself, bc the odds of mono twins happening in a row is so incredible low. So imagine how stressed I was when two months later we got pregnant again and it was mono-di twins again… I just burst into tears when the ultrasound tech pointed out the second baby! (My husband was so excited and jumped up and did a little run around the room … the poor tech didn’t know what to do lol.)

First 20 weeks or so was A LOT of anxiety. But things kept going well and I started allowing myself to embrace the pregnancy and be happy and now I’m in week 30 and everything is looking good with the boys! 🤗
Also when we told our good friends we were having twins again, they said they didn’t know why but they just had a feeling we were going to tell them it was twins again!
@twinmum My husband ever since we met wanted twins badly and it was a dream of him since his childhood (and I never wanted twinslol) It doesn’t really run in any of our families so we never thought about it. We had 2 singletons and we wanted 3 kids. Lo and behold we tried for our 3rd and final and we got twins 😂
@twinmum When I was in high school, I would tell people all the time I was going to have twins one day. No idea where that notion came from. Then in college, a professor told me that twins run in her family because of hyperovulation. When I heard that word, I was immediately like “I have that.” I just knew. I forgot about it for a long time. Got married, had a singleton. Then, when I got pregnant again, it felt different from the start. It was my fraternal twins! After we announced, it was funny getting messages from people who knew me back when, saying “How did you know?!”
@twinmum Absolutely! We joked for years it would be twins when we had a baby. We got pregnant straight away and tested positive just 2 weeks after my (early) ovulation (which i now know is hyperovulation) - and we joked in the midwives office before we went for a scan, saying “oh it’s absolutely 2”. Low & behold, 2! DCDA girls 🤣🥰
@twinmum Yes. Whenever anyone asked how many kids I wanted to have, like growing up your girl friends would you know, I’d say I want one set of twins, either boy boy or boy girl, and then a single girl.

My husband and I got pregnant last March and it ended in a miscarriage. I found out I had PCOS and a cyst in my uterine wall (adenomyosis). I decided if I was lucky enough to get pregnant again with one, we would be done.

I got pregnant in October. I really did just know it was twins. I told my mom and sister, they thought I was crazy. At my placement scan, there they were. My 2 boys!
@twinmum It was my greatest fear. After 2 kids (and one vanishing twin) I foolishly believed I was in the clear.

Cue babies 3 and 4.

Very much wanted a third and a fourth. Not at once though. Been eating my words everyday for 3 years now.
@twinmum Not exactly…but I didn’t find out I had twins until the first ultrasound at almost 14 weeks pregnant. For a full 6 weeks+ before that I was telling my husband I just knew it was twins. It was just a feeling in my gut I knew was true. And then it was true. And we were placing guesses on gender and I guessed a boy and a girl, but then all my dreams were me holding 2 baby girls and they are 2 girls.
@twinmum Not always, but about a month before my transfer (IVF) I was so sure it would be twins, my husband thought I was crazy because we were only transferring one embryo but I would only look at twin girl nurseries and talk about names as twin girls. Like it just got into my head and I don’t know why. Then we transferred our embryo and I got a positive pregnancy test 6 days later. Was insistent it was twins, husband still thought it was nuts. Went to my first ultrasound and it was 1 gestational sac and 1 yolk sac. Husband figured it would be the end of it but I didn’t let it go. Second ultrasound showed 2 heartbeats.
@twinmum Yep. I knew right when I got pregnant. Even before I swore it would be twins. I have text messages over and over saying it was twins before my first appointment. Sometimes you just know!! Mother’s intuition is crazy!! I’m now 17 weeks with boy/girl twins
@twinmum I had a TFMR with my first pregnancy due to severe anencephaly. I had a feeling it was a boy but never got confirmation. I kept telling my mom wouldn’t it be great to have twins so i can get back the one i lost? I got pregnant with my singleton rainbow (a daughter) almost a year after my TFMR. During that time i got a lot of double yolks in my eggs and also got a lot of double yolks after as well. Fast forward to 2 weeks after my honeymoon last August, i wasn’t feeling right and took a test to find i was pregnant. Went to my 8 week appointment and boom the sonographer said “oh there’s 2 babies in there and they are identical!”. I was shook. At 12 weeks i found out that we were having twin boys. At that moment i knew i was meant to have three children because a higher power did not want my first pregnancy to be in vain. I am now 35 weeks pregnant and will be induced April 19th if they don’t decide to come sooner. I’m over the moon, anxious, yet excited!
@twinmum Yes!
When I was younger, like middle school to high school, I always talked about how I wanted twins. Twins don’t run in my family or my husbands. When I got pregnant with my second child, before my first ultrasound I joked with my husband about it being twins - I was right.
@twinmum Yep. Me and my wife have always talked about how nice it would be to have a set of boy/girl twins and be one and done. We started trying and had no luck for 6 months even though we had perfect labs and were timing everything right. Wife’s fertility doc gave her one small dose of letrozole to try and we got pregnant first try. Her pregnancy test at 14DPO was an instant dye stealer positive. When the scan showed di/di twins I had like an out of body experience. Hard to explain but it’s like I knew it was going to happen all along. Still early (9.5 weeks) and we don’t know the sexes yet but it was always this weird gut feeling. Finger crossed all goes well