Feelings you’d have twins..?

@twinmum I’ve always said I was going to have twins. We have two kids and then had two losses last year, both partial molar so an extra set of chromosomes and I’d joke that I manifested extra chromosomes but not the extra embryo, and even told my doctor I was gonna have twins next. Both her and my husband were mildly shocked when we went in for our first scan and saw two sacs with two heartbeats and I’m now 17 weeks along. I told my husband “see I am always right” after I stopped crying looking at them on the ultrasound screen
@twinmum We had decided to have just one baby (circumstance, but we had always wanted two) and I said to my husband “if we could just have twins, it’d be perfect”
@twinmum I had imaginary twin best friends growing up. They also run on my mom’s side and no one had had them in a long time. I was the youngest of my generation of kids and I was the ones to have them. I always joked that I’d be the one to have them because no one had yet.
@twinmum I’m a twin but the idea of having twins never crossed my mind until I got pregnant. With the very first pregnancy test I just had a strong feeling it was twins. And it was !
@twinmum Yep. I talked about having twins when I was in high school, even coming up with names for them. Much later, my future husband and I were at a bar after we had just moved in together. I was talking to a woman and she asked us if we ever wanted to get married and have kids. I said “oh no, definitely not!” She looked right at me and said “well you’re gonna have twins” 😂😂😂 First pregnancy was a single. I went in for my 10 week ultrasound for my second pregnancy and when the tech asked if I wanted a boy or a girl I said “I don’t care as long as it’s not twins”. When we saw it on the screen she was like “HOW DID YOU KNOW?! “
@twinmum When I said I'd quite like a girl after I had my son, my dad said "careful what you wish for, you'll have identical twin girls". It became a running joke, he even gave them names and would say things like "you'll need the extra space once the girls arrive". I found out I was having mo/di girls at 8 weeks pregnant 🤯. Added weirdness is that the reason my dad said this in the first place was that him and my mum used to say they wanted a girl and a boy born close together - me and my brother are di/di boy girl twins 😂
@twinmum I’ve been saying “I’d love to have boy/girl twins that way I’m done” since forever. Like since I was little.

I have PCOS. We tried to get pregnant for 2 years. I thought I was infertile.

My boy/girl twins were born Friday March 22.
@twinmum Ive had it in the back of my mind for many years. The idea that I could have twins. I think it was because I have some fraternal twins in my family. Then when I got pregnant with iui and we were told it was twins neither of us were in shock.

I got my chromosomal test at 12 weeks and the night before I took the test I had a dream we had twin boys. Sure enough, twin boys.

Then at our anatomy scan we were told we are actually having identical twins - it was totally random and had nothing to do with family history or iui.
@twinmum I had a feeling I was pregnant with twins around 10 days before my first ultrasound (first ultrasound was around 5.5 weeks gestation).
I texted my husband when he was at work to say this.

Fast forward to the ultrasound, the tech turns the screen around to show me the gestational sac. I asked her ‘are you sure there’s not two?’ She turned the screen back to her, did some more back and forth and says ‘oh.. you’re right.. there IS two..’
@twinmum I didn't but I was once told by a psychic that I would have twins. My friend was also told she would have twins so we thought it was BS at the time but we both were pregnant with twins later in life. I still think it's BS but it's funny to think about. I did, however, always say I wanted Twins and when I found out and told people it was a bunch of people said oh my God it's what you always wanted.
@twinmum I had twins in 2022 and in the very early stages I was convinced I was having twins and I told my best friend who then proceeded to call me a twat- no one I told believed me! I was dead set on it; lo and behold, I had an ultrasound at 9 weeks who confirmed it! I felt so witchy. It definitely still weirds me out to this day that I knew so early on.
@twinmum I am a twin myself and my husband an I always joked about having twins. When I was pregnant my twins sister insisted that I am having twins. She was sure about it. Still got the text messages from back then:).
@twinmum I had a miscarriage and an abortion (tubal pregnancy) before I got pregnant. I kept thinking when we went to the ultrasound we would see twins because my two babies would come to me when they were ready. I felt like they were both ready at the same time.

I went in for a transvaginal ultrasound; my mom and sister were there along with my (ex) husband. I remember saying "what if it's twins" before they came in to begin. Baby B was a vanishing twin as there was no heartbeat. Went back to take a look after checking out baby A, and there was a heartbeat! They're 7 now.
@twinmum After I found out I was pregnant but before I found out I was having twins, I kept having dreams with two of everything—the one I remember most was two balloons tied together floating in the sky. I joked to my sister that I was having a premonition of twins and sure enough, I was!