Feelings you’d have twins..?

@twinmum Twins don't run in my family but when we moved into our current house (was pregnant with my first at the time), a neighbour said "your house is cursed! Everyone who lives there has 3 kids!!" And I laughed, because we didn't plan for 3...well I'm 16 weeks pregnant with twins and I'm not laughing now 😅
@kimmy I lived in a duplex for a year and I got my surprise (twin! surprise again!) pregnancy around 5 months into living there. When we were moving out and talking to our neighbors they said for the entire time they've been there (5 or 6 years) any couple that's lived in our unit has gotten pregnant!
@kimmy I live in a “fertility house” too! We’re the third set of twins here. When we moved in the neighbors warned us “careful, everyone who moves into that house has to move out from having too many kids”. I thought it was a rude and presumptuous warning, but it’s true! The house has sold every 3-4 years on Zillow in recent history lol. We’re staying put though! Hope my husbands vasectomy holds ;)
@twinmum I decided that I wanted to have twins when my hubby and I started trying and I manifested that shit! When our first ultrasound showed we were having twins he said “this is all your fault!” 😂
@twinmum Knew I was pregnant and had some bleeding just before 6 weeks, so went into emerge. Of course I feared the worst. While I was being triaged another nurse asked the one assessing me why two babies were referred to in their system as “NewbornGirl1” and “NewbornGirl2” and the nurse triaging me said it was how they named twins in their system, she’d known because she had twins there. I remember thinking wow imagine having two babies? I hope I’m still having one… 12 hours later we saw two gestational sacs on the ultrasound!