F**k viruses

@floydk Honestly I thought sleep deprivation was easier than this constant illness. Like I have become a master at snotty noses and coughs.

But cannot clear it from my own body.

GP finally offered steroids to help lungs, so fingers crossed!
@mynameishephzibah What I hate most over the actual illnesses is my unhealed inner child. I often heard "stop peffing" "stop coughing" "come on, just get it over and done with"

So now, every time my 4 year old coughs, I want to drop a grand piano on her face. She's ill, she can't help it, chill the hell out you maniac.

But yeah, illness is also bad for 4year olds + 7 month olds sleep.
@mduce Currently sitting in bed next to my coughing 5yo who is trying her best to sleep, and annoyed at myself for being annoyed. Thanks for making me feel I’m not alone.
@speaklifecom This is it. Covid is airborne, there's still a lot of it about, & high quality masks are the only way to prevent it. Masking also prevents all the other airborne illnesses. I wish more people knew this. It breaks my heart to see so many sick children & exhausted parents who are ill themselves, often with no support.
@soontobebride TBF, a lot of stuff is transmitted by mucus, and toddlers have no concept of hygiene (adults aren't great, either) and have their fingers in their mouths all the time. Masks are great (if you can get a toddler to wear one, which is a big IF), but all bets are off once they're at daycare and out of your sight.
@javadic Yes I don't envy parents of really small children, they're being put in impossible situations. Made me remember an event at my kid's school where everyone was masked and there were filters running and windows open and there was a younger sibling, a toddler, running around unmasked and I remember thinking how much safer she was because everyone else was masked.
@speaklifecom I see this occasionally posted in these types of sick threads and it's met with crickets.

Genuinely wonder if people forgot how they avoided repeat infections when they were masking earlier in the pandemic. Like, a mask still works and you (royal "you") don't have to go through life getting infected over and over, because normalcy -- nothing is normal nor good about this, anyways.
@jgdj68 I honestly feel terrible that families -especially kids- are going through this. But if my experience helps even one person or family avoid this constant cycle of illness, it'll be worth it.
We travel and enjoy life while masked and it's been working out great.
@mynameishephzibah For babies in daycare you should totally advocate for clean air. Ask daycare centers if they have air purfiers in the rooms (or if they'll consider using them if they are donated). Also, asking what their policies are around illness (are sick kids sent home? are staff fully vaccinated? Do staff mask? etc). I've seen some amazing daycare centers who really take infectious control for little ones but they are hard to come by and find spots too (at least in my area).
@mynameishephzibah I realize parents are in a bad position, but parents can wear them, though, and reduce spread.

That was one of the original ideas of communal masking: wear them for others who maybe can't for various reasons.

All these repeat infections are not sustainable either and they're not helping people's immune systems, including babies.
@luvtogrow2 You can do this. Take an air purifer with you (largest you can get-2 if they allow) and have it placed near you and baby. In your birthing plan ask that all staff mask around you and baby. Then once baby is home make sure ANYONE that sees baby wears an N95, is vaccinated for covid, flu and all other required childhood vaccines, and set up rules like "no kissing baby on the mouth" and "do not come over if you've been sick in the last week" and "covid testing before seeing baby is required." Also have air purifers running anywhere people are meeting with baby. I'm super covid informed as I have an immunocompromised kid so feel free to message me if you want more resources.