F**k viruses

@love11 In 20-25 years (or maybe earlier!) so many of these parents will end up estranged from their kids once they can conceptualize how abandoned they were during these times. No immune defenses just left to catch covid over and over and then blamed for it on top of it all when it’s the responsibility of adults to take care of things.
@downtherabbithole My boy was for 6 months at a small daycare that had the NASA grade air purifiers which hooked into the AC. They're expensive but I honestly think all schools and daycares should have these and the OZONE disinfecting box machine.

I just read up on various papers about immune response and it appears the cohorts aren't that big and the long term impact of covid on immune reponse was from specifically severe cases. At least it's not like this for mild cases. As an example, https://covid19.nih.gov/news-and-stories/severe-covid-19-may-cause-long-term-immune-system-changes#:~:text=In%20a%20small%20study%20supported,off%20in%20certain%20stem%20cells.
@katrina2017 NASA grade filtration! Wow! That is awesome. We need a clean air act of sorts for schools and public places. Just take a little of our huge military budget and give it to schools, hospitals and businesses to make upgrades (and this time with receipts or qualified vendors that meet a high standard...to avoid the pandemic grant scammers). Seriously , we filter our water, it's time to filter the air we breath.

Personally, I'm concerned about immune dysfunction. Sure long covid number estimates range depending on study. I've seen 10-30%. But for me what solidified masking up was seeing my co-worker (in her 30s having to take 6 month medical leave- unpaid) because she just couldn't do it. Another friend's partner (only 32) had a stroke a couple of weeks after covid, and my child's best friend (who has literal damaged lung after 3 covid infections). Plus, regardless of covid, I hate seeing my family get sick. It's so painful for little ones.

Below are some links to studies I found interesting:

Blood vessel damage in kids


Covid made RSV numbers go up in kids


COVID-19 and Immune Dysregulation, a Summary and Resource


Long COVID: major findings, mechanisms and recommendations


SARS-CoV-2 infection and persistence in the human body and brain at autopsy


Every COVID Infection Increases Your Risk of Long COVID, Study Warns


Covid and HIV

@mynameishephzibah I’m glad we aren’t alone. We have had both types of flu, Covid, and sinus infections. Non stop sickness since around the beginning of September. Everyone is beginning to feel better, but I guess we shall see.
@jessyblue Please tell me you are masking. You can stop getting ill w/a simple mask. My family has done it. So many people who are getting covid over and over again don't realize how they are messing up their immune systems. And every covid infection increases liklihood of long covid which can literally disable you. I had one co-worker in her early thirties just have to go on a 6 month medical leave. Our local long covid clinic has a 9 month waiting list and sadly there aren't even theraputics for kids under 12. Since my family started masking we literally only had 1 illness. It's been miraculous and I feel sad seeing everyone around us dropping like flies while everyone pretends we're not in a huge surge of respiratory illnesses going around. Check out this website if you want to see what illness are going around in your area.
@zaldivar We haven’t been masking a lot this year but I’d like to start. This might be a dumb question but do you wear the N95s just once or several times before tossing?
@cameronb67 Not a dumb question at all, and glad you're considering it! You can generally wear N95s for up to 40 hours before you need to replace them; what decreases their effectiveness is the straps loosening (which is also what makes them so much better than any other kind of disposable mask). The straps loosen a bit each time you don and doff them.

In our family, we're willing to reuse them several times for outdoor use or indoors when viral levels are low. However, for anything high risk or when levels are high (like now...see https://biobot.io/data/), we will often toss them after one use indoors (again, due to strap tension, not due to the masks themselves). I'll reuse them at home for changing litter or working on the car or whatnot, and similarly, I'd have no issues reusing masks outdoors (e.g., for high AQI days or for allergies) for weeks.

Personally, I'm a preschool teacher in a building filled with hundreds of children and dozens of adults, almost none of whom mask and almost all of whom are sick every single day, so I take no chances and replace my N95 (a VFlex standard size) every single day.
@mynameishephzibah My friend taught her child to mask by doing 15 minute increments inside the house with lots of treats for not fiddling with it. Every couple of weeks they’d go up in time till the child could sustain masking for trips outdoors. Her kid is adorable and was taught masks are to protect friends and loved ones and avoid being sick and she makes cute statements about feeling happy to mask all the time.
@downtherabbithole In theory, yes that would be ideal if we could all mask. But two of my kids are autistic and I can’t keep a mask on them. My toddler would never keep a mask on anyways no matter what I did.
@jessyblue (I'm autistic) have you told the kids why it's so important to mask? Often autistics are stubborn until we know why we have to do something. Also worth looking into other styles and fits of masks - duckbill leaves a lot of space around the mouth and nose.
@adamsharrisoniii Yes. Our youngest is non verbal and just screams whenever we try to touch anything at all to his face. The older child will wear it and take it off as soon as we have our back turned. We have tried every type of mask we could get ahold of and nothing has worked. My middle child wears a mask but pulls it off his nose over and over. Two out of three of our kids are school age so there is no way to ensure they will keep the mask on during the school day. My wife is autistic as well and we tried everything.
@jessyblue So glad to hear you tried different ways and so sorry that none of them worked. A lot of parents of autistics unfortunately know nothing abt autism and don't give their kids a chance. Are you able to home school at all or would that make sense? You may also be able to lobby the schools to add better air filtration, imo it really should fall under the ADA and even if it technically doesn't the school doesn't always check.