Exercise for L&D prep/recovery


New member
I’m new to the group so apologies if this has been discussed recently … what forms of exercise helped you prepare for L&D (vaginal or CSection - would love to hear both) as well as your recovery? What do you think served you the most?

Currently 25 weeks and workout regularly (strength, yoga etc)

Thank you!
@nicole7407 For me it was pilates. It helped me safely maintain a strong core and pelvic floor, which is tough when pregnant. I pushed bub out in 3 pushes with zero tearing and had an easy recovery. My OB was amazed at how well I did especially as a 37 year old mom.
@nicole7407 Pelvic floor training, including how to relax it. Strong legs, including endurance capabilities.

I’d also check whether your birth facility actually lets you labor/give birth in positions other than on your back. My normal OB/GYN’s hospital was like that, and that’s a dealbreaker for me. It’s such a bad position for birth!!! So I switched to a different medical group where they will let me move and use a bar or a tub or whatever I need. That’s just as important as your own physical capabilities. Appalled that so many major hospitals still require birthing on your back.
@univ3rsouluv This 100% - I am just beginning to understand the importance of birth positions after listening to some EBB podcasts on it and now I'm laser-focused on making sure I'm allowed to do what I want. Thank you for the reminder that I need to switch if there are limitations ... It is APPALLING
@nicole7407 If I could do it over again I would do more pregnancy-specific core work. I would also work on breathing exercises that can be done in the early postpartum days to help re-engage my core. Yes, you are supposed to wait 6 weeks to exercise (for good reason!!) but gentle, core-engaging breathing exercises can be done almost immediately.

Edit to add: Dr. Mae Hughes on Instagram has examples of breathing exercises that can be done in the early postpartum days! I think the Belle Method does too
@nicole7407 I didn’t do anything specific but I think keeping active throughout pregnancy definitely helped! I didn’t feel sore at all after delivery, and I think exercising helped my body prepare for delivery in general. Also the pushing phase is similar to pushing yourself through tough intervals in the gym with regards to getting yourself through it mentally. I just kept telling myself okay one more set.