EnJoY yOuR sLeEp NoW


New member
I’m nearly 8 months, I have to pee 2-3 times a night, and I have a senior dog who ends up needing to get up a couple of times for different things on top of that. We are not ‘enjoying’ sleep right now. 😭
@vanerahelson 9 months here and I was just crying about this yesterday. They say stay hydrated but I’m literally going to the bathroom every 10-15 mins. I have 3 more days left before my scheduled section.
@vanerahelson 3 months pp here, I sleep SO much better than I did pregnant! Sure the first weeks or months depending on babies growth you need to wake up every 2-3 hours to feed but once they’re passed birth weight you can let them sleep longer and oh my is it wonderful

It pissed me off when people would say to enjoy sleep now! My pelvis was in so much pain I could barely turn around, my hips would hurt if I laid one one side too long, I had to pee every 3-4 hours…. Yeah there was no sleep😅

But I’m here to say that it does get better even though some nights are tough, sleep as a new mom is much much much better than sleep as a pregnant mom
@robertbrowny Omg the pelvic pain! Yes ugh I couldn't even walk for the last like 2 months. I felt like I was going to die no matter what I did. I couldn't sleep, sit too long or walk faster than a turtle without thinking I broke something. I'd practically drop to the floor every time I'd try to get out of bed to go to the bathroom. I definitely do so much better now that he's out than I did when he was still in there.
@robertbrowny Seriously! I'm only 1 month pp and I was peeing 3x a night and had third trimester insomnia that kept me wide awake from 3 to 5 each morning. At least now I'm so tired there is no insomnia, I fall right back to sleep!
@robertbrowny Absolutely this. Even while dealing with the four month sleep regression, I sleep better than I did while I was pregnant. Don’t listen to the people who hate/hated being parents. It’s definitely hard, but I’ve never had so much fun in my life.
@missneia I’ve honestly never been happier in my life being a mom even through the hard times but I keep telling myself in order for it to get easier it has to get hard first
@vanerahelson I hated hearing that while pregnant. I sleep horribly during pregnancy. I was really exhausted once the baby came, not gonna lie, but at least the sleep you do get is more comfortable haha
@vanerahelson I would never make this comment to someone because it’s tactless but like…I think it to myself sometimes lol. It’s not so much that the sleep is enjoyable or good quality when you’re pregnant, but losing the right to choose when and if you sleep is pretty rough and feels really dehumanizing. Like when I was pregnant when I had a night of truly awful sleep I could choose to call in to work and try to go back to sleep or take a nap. My kids got her molars coming in now so she was up ALL night and woke up for the day at 4:30. But I can’t “call in” to being a mom so I just have to suffer lol

ETA: just my thoughts on this, I do wish someone had prepared me or warned me (in a better way than saying “enjoy your sleep now lololol” obviously), like I knew sleep would be rough with a newborn but like, I’m going on a year of sleeping 3 hours at a time max. It does things to your brain 😬 I have gotten used to it now but the initial shock might not have rocked me so much if someone had (tactfully) explained to me just how all consuming the sleep aspect of parenthood is
@dienkimt Yeah, lucky people whose babies sleep well or who found postpartum sleep better than pregnancy sleep always get upvoted on these kind of threads because that is what a bunch of pregnant FTMs want to hear, but the first 6 months of my daughter’s life were so fucking brutal and unrelenting on the sleep front and even the shitty sleep I got during pregnancy (I had anaemia and bad restless leg syndrome) did not prepare me! At all!

I never say this to anyone though because people don’t want to hear about shit sleep unless they are also in the same trenches, haha. The plus side is the memory fades remarkably quickly once the situation improves!
@dphantom So true. I know some here had great little sleepers. That’s awesome and I wish we all did. But that wasn’t my experience. The first 3 months, let alone that first month, were brutal. Sleep wasn’t something we did a lot of during that time, and mine was never one to have 5-8 hours in a stretch that young. I may have been lucky to get 3 in a stretch back then.
@dienkimt Yeah. i think the saying does have some truth to it if it’s your first kid. Like sleeping in on the weekends for example just bc you want to isn’t really a thing anymore unless you have a really supportive partner who is a morning person haha (thankfully I do, but a lot of ppl don’t). But yeah it is still annoying when ppl say things like that.