Endo pregnancy concerns


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I am 28(f) and just found out I’m pregnant today. I had always been told that getting pregnant would be difficult because I was diagnosed with stage 4 endometriosis when I was 20. So needless to say I am completely unprepared and shocked.
Tomorrow I’ll be 5 weeks (according to my Flo app), I know this can change once you get it confirmed with a dr. But I am scared out of my mind that there will be issues because of my endo. I’m finding it hard to be excited because of it.
Has anyone else had a healthy pregnancy even with stage 4 endometriosis? I just need some positivity.
@tonypol09 First of all, congratulations on your pregnancy! I am 38 and even though i made IVF "i am not prepared" is the feeling i always get :p You have time!

So yes endo can make getting pregnant more difficult but mostly because of endometriomas impacting ovaries (and eggs) and then it could make implantation harder and less frequent, still, i have stage II - III (a 4cm endometrioma) and it implanted at first embryo transfer. So your body already have done the harder part. My gyno always told me that getting pregnant HELPS because pregnancy hormones (mostly estrogen but also progesterone) makes the endo stall and even shrink during this time.

I am 16w right now and no issues because of endo and honestly i dont even think about it. Most people gets a bit scared at the beginning because its when you find out if the embryo is viable (at ultrasound you will have more answers, around two weeks from now! ) , your young so i would bet it is a healthy embryo you have there and after that i hope you can really forget about your endo :)
@curtis2022 Thank you! I just feel so overwhelmed at the moment. We were not trying so it was quite the shock to see two pink lines.

And that’s great to hear! I actually already had a Dr. appointment on the 21st to discuss possibly getting an ablation. I’m sure my dr will tell me the same thing yours did but I was just immediately so worried, I’ve been having cramps and had just assumed my periods was coming.

Fingers crossed for a healthy pregnancy! Thank you so much for the info, it’s very much appreciated!
@tonypol09 Yes I had no issues was also told it would be hard to conceive but with IVF first round was successful didn’t have any complications with pregnancy due to endo but I would speak to your doctor and get advice but I don’t think it affects pregnancy more so getting pregnant

@lenny3 Yes I am very shocked because we have been very careful and the one time we weren’t I became pregnant. I know it only takes once but after years of drs telling me my best bet would be IVF it just seems so surreal.
Thank you! And you as well!!
@tonypol09 My understanding is that endo only impacts one’s ability to get pregnant/support implantation, not harm existing pregnancies. I went through IVF because of my endo, but there were no other concerns re: my endo after the embryo took. Congratulations!
@steinem27 That’s very relieving to know. There’s so much misinformation out there and I’ve heard that having endo raises yours risks for miscarriage. But I haven’t talked to a dr about that just yet.
And thank you!
@tonypol09 Endometriosis can cause fertility issues in 30-50% of patients, so it’s not guaranteed you will have fertility problems, and then the issue I believe is getting pregnant not staying pregnant. I have endo and had a successful pregnancy with my son and I’m currently 14 weeks and all is well so far - however I did have early bleeding with both my pregnancies that ended up being harmless, it was chalked up to potentially being my endo or hormone issues related to it.
@tonypol09 I have stage four endo and PCOS as well, BUT I am 14 weeks with my second child. My first pregnancy was a very healthy one and this one seems to be following the dame pattern. I did have the benefit of having reduced endo symptoms after my first! It lasted around two years before I felt it come back in full force. I hope the same for you. I had three surgeries to remove all the endo gunk but nothing gave me reprieve like my daughter did.

Just listen to your body and when you feel something is wrong, give your doc a call. 👐
@tonypol09 I don’t personally have endo myself but I will say one of my friends is 29 and just gave birth to her baby girl that she got pregnant with naturally. It was also a surprise to her and her husband cause they tried for 7 years! Best of luck to you❤️