Elective C-section v. vaginal birth

@ibaneztony Thank you for these actual helpful insights. I think the tools of hypnobirthing sound quite helpful. It is indeed a big fear to loose ownership during a vaginal birth as one is so vulnerable in this time.
@ibaneztony Danke dir. Es ist auch nicht so, dass mein Mann der Despot im Kreißsaal ist. Das habe ich unglücklich beschrieben. Der hat genauso Schiss wie ich und will auf Nummer sicher gehen, kennt nur beschissene Geburtsberichte von unseren Bekannten / Familie und ist da hilflos bzw. kennt mich gut genug, dass ich wenig die Ruhe selbst bin und da extremst durchgechillt durch so ne vaginale Geburt gehe.
Ich denke, die Werkzeuge vom Hypnobirthing und Achtsamkeitsübungen sind ein guter Anfang. Ich hab auch viel von den magischen Datteln gehört und dachte immer, dass das Kräuterhexengeschichten sind 😂.
@ibaneztony Du sprichst meine Sprache, im.wahrsten Sinne des Wortes. Ich reagiere ja sehr allergisch auf so pauschale Aussagen wie "der Frauenkörper ist doch dafür gemacht" und so. Da bekomme ich Pickel.
@saroula I would try vaginal and have some cutoff point of if it's taking this long or with this much intervention go with c section. The recovery for c section is hard but I've heard stories of people laboring at the hospital for 10 hours only to have a c section at the end and wouldn't it have been easier to do it from the start. Also why is your husband anti vaginal?
@saroula Everyone I know who has had both says the vaginal recovery is easiest. I had an emergency c section after 29 hours of labor. I was fully dilated and had to keep from pushing as they prepped me for surgery. It sucked. If it’s medically indicated that a c section could be beneficial to you and baby based on how the baby is presenting, or size or something, I’d schedule it. If all is normal and well, I’d probably want to avoid a c section. I don’t feel like I was able to do as much with my baby as I’d like to and it’s fairly uncomfortable. It’s not terrible, but it’s not great. I also lost 2L of blood, nearly went into shock. It was a lot. Not sure if it would have been different if it were planned.