Driving 5/ 6 hours (without counting breaks) for Thanksgiving with a 2 month old. Would you do it?

@brerjohn Exactly! Noone else seems to be commenting on the fact that a baby shouldn't be in their carseat more than 2 hours. This is far too long a journey for such a small toot.
@vssia Exactly.. We had to travel 3 hours a couple times because we were moving cities and looking for apartments when my son was 3.5 months old and he was so, so, so tired and cried so much at the end of the journies that I still feel bad when I think about it
@katrina2017 This!!! I told my BFF I would have been so paranoid about being in the car for so long, they went anyway and baby was fine.. but it doesn’t mean all baby’s will be!
@graced1257 Did it at 10 weeks. We ended up breaking up the drive into 2 days cause it was rough on us and we didn’t want her in the car for long.

For her, we needed: Noise machine, shusher, blankets to make the car seat dark, pacis & the shushing playlist on Spotify. For us, we needed: water and snacks, cause we tried to stop only if necessary for her.

We learned that we didn’t need to stop every time she cried (yes we did that). If we turned on white noise & just kept driving, she’d eventually be soothed and fall asleep.

2 month olds are sleepy and chill. I would do it!

As far as sickness goes, we got her vaccines early (don’t remember which ones) so that she’d be protected in anticipation of being around people. Even so, we didn’t pass her around to anyone.
@graced1257 I personally think you’re asking the wrong question. The drive itself doesn’t sound like the biggest obstacle. We did 4 hours with our 2 month old yesterday and she slept 90% of it. However if you say you can’t afford it AND are concerned about other kids or adults passing on illnesses that’s a different story.

Will your in laws be helpful? Will you be fully healed from birth by then? Would you be comfortable nursing around them (if that’s what you’re choosing to do)? All these are things to consider but ultimately if you really can’t afford it you probably have your answer…
@graced1257 There will be plenty of other opportunities for them to be around your child. You listed a bunch of reasons to not do it so it sounds like you're already leaning towards a decision
@casspol Although I agree with most of this OP said in comments that within the next year they will likely be moving out of the country. I still wouldn’t risk the illnesses, but definitely makes things a bit harder
@joeyfish This… Is just because I know they won’t be around our son that much (not because they don’t want simply because of money) and they’re incredibly great people. Especially my husbands grandma she’s wonderful and I would love my son to know all about his great grandmother that was a paramedic in NY in the 70s/80s. Add to that the fact that we’re an interracial couple and my son growing up with people that also look like him and are strong role models is very important… That was the only reason why it was even a question… It’s sad to be far from family
@graced1257 My grandma (my 5 m/o’s great grandma) is my favorite person and someone I want him to know, but she lives in Hawaii.

FaceTime or video chat is how they bond.

Due to the SIDS risk of being in a car seat for so long that young, maybe you can video chat the family over the holidays?
@graced1257 We traveled that far with our babe when she was 3 months, 1 month adjusted, but it wasn’t in the middle of sickness season. The traveling is doable in my opinion. But I would be very scared to introduce baby to that many people this time of year. We don’t live by our family either, so I completely understand that aspect. This will be our baby’s first holidays as well and honestly we’ve not even began to discuss our plans yet.
@graced1257 Not worth it, in my opinion. Baby is still very young and vulnerable to illnesses and we're heading into peak flu/RSV/covid season. Plus the added financial stress isn't something you need on top of everything you've got going on. I would wait until your baby is a little older. What we consider routine winter illnesses can be a big deal for newborns.

We took our first trip to visit family (6 hours not counting breaks) when my son was 4 months old and he did fine, but it was the middle of summer and there weren't big family gatherings, so overall less risk of disease. Had it been winter/holidays, I definitely would've waited.
@graced1257 No…

Just, no. My girl loves the car but when she was that little ANY idle longer than like 15s and she was up and wailing. And wailing. And wailing.

It was a lot. Haha she is better now ofc but sheesh we had plans for a trip to Atl and it would have been about 5 hours. I couldn’t imagine us doing that now glad we didn’t.
@graced1257 There’s a two hour rule per day for car seats (not sure until when)…. Our ped told us not to do a two hour trip until our LO can control his head, and even then, try to take a couple breaks in between. A 5-6 hour trip is prob a bad idea.
@asif123 Exactly this. I believe the age is 6-7 months to be mostly clear from SIDS risk, and carseats are a major risk increaser for SIDS. Baby falls asleep with head tilted down towards chest, pinches off airway, baby suffocates. It's horrible.

In my years working in EMS, I've had one SIDS death in particular that was entirely avoidable and still haunts me. It's just not worth it.