Does anyone have a copy of the EPDS-P screening questionnaire for postnatal depression in men?


New member
I can find the regular EPDS (Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale) for women but there is a validated “partner” version where mothers can score their partners for postnatal depression. I can’t find it anywhere online. I’m hoping to use it to broach the topic with my partner.

I’ll be asking my OB about it tomorrow but figured I’d cast a Reddit net too :)
@hoctienganh Good question!
The EPDS-P is a slimmed-down version of the EPDS. It has 10 questions from the original survey. Its not only for men; the unique aspect of the survey is that it is for one partner to use to score the other. A nonbirthing partner could use it to score the birthing partner, and vice-versa.

Now, technically, the Edinburgh and its partner counterpart and not designed to be self administered. While you can find the questionnaire online, it really should be done with a professional who can interpret the results with you. It doesn't need to be a mental health professional, but it should be someone who took a training in administering the tool.

None the less, if you download this research study, the 10 questions are listed on the second to last page as part of an appendix.,The%20Edinburgh%20Postnatal%20Depression%20Scale%20%2D%20Partner%20(EPDS%2DP),the%20prediction%20of%20depressive%20symptoms.
@tgoodman78 Thank you!!! In my sleep deprived state I didn’t think to check the ends of the study pdfs I could find 😅

Totally agree and understood re intention of the tool being for a professional to administer. Makes a lot of sense and I definitely would have some confirmation here if I do it alone. More so just looking to start a convo with my partner, maybe even fill it out together for each other, just to discuss. And to gut check my observation that he is struggling.

Will run it by my OB and see if she’ll do it with me! I find it odd and sad that none of our practitioners have asked he or I any questions about HIS well being during all of this (6 weeks pp).

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