@finnyjoyfj We have two therapists for our 7mo. One is a pediatric OT and the other is a SLP that specializes in bottle feeding.
Our baby girl was born with tordicollis (a fancy way of saying she had a crick in her neck). She had pretty poor head and neck control from the very start and it wasn’t getting better quickly, and we were worried she’d get a flat spot on her head because she was always looking to the right and slept with her head turned all the time. At around 4mo she was nowhere near able to hold up her head on her own, nowhere near able to roll on her own, and was really struggling to bottle feed because her entire upper body motor control was weak. Whenever we put her in tummy time she would just put her head down and scream.
Fast forward to today (four months of therapy) and she’s sitting up, sucking down bottles (still some difficulties with that, she never really liked bottles and greatly preferred breast feeding) and is learning to eat solids. Her head and neck control is fantastic and we can carry her around in a front-facing carrier and she just bobs along and loves it so much.
I honestly am so thankful for our therapists and what they’ve done four our baby. Also, extra shout-out to my boss who was totally cool with me working from home a lot and taking time off three times a week to take my baby to appointments.
BONUS: PT sessions are like a hardcore workout for babies. 30-45 minute PT session and she goes down for a nap with zero complaints and stays asleep for a solid 2 hours, and is in a great mood when she wakes up.