Doctor said my 6mo needs PT

@gbredr This! My son was early and had some difficulties. He is in OT, PT, and Feeding therapy. His therapists are all great and give us awesome tips. I honestly don’t know how things would be without them.

As for sitting up, the Fischer price sit me up has been a game changer! He freaking loves that thing and it allows him to work on his strength while also being able to relax when he’s tired.
@springwillow I'd rather intervene early than late personally. Wait lists can be ridiculous, and I appreciate providers who are proactive about these kinds of early interventions.
@lwh Yes this! Everyone around me thought I was crazy for seeking speech therapy for my older son, and my old ped was recommending a “wait and see” approach. Low and behold I self-referred and his delay was bad enough to warrant “immediate” services (I.e. we got to skip the wait list). I hate to think of where we would be if we had waited!

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