Dealing with pregnancy after a miscarriage

@digitale Wife miscarried at 10W last week and reading your messages are really helping me, because this is the thing that worries us, even if it’s probably unreasonable
@digitale You can get private scans for early viability prior to that if you want

Miscarriages are very sad and worrying, but they’re extremely common unfortunately with about 1 in 8 pregnancies resulting in this. Nobody talks about it and a lot of people who suffer it never announce the baby so it seems far less common than it actually is.

Good news is that the vast majority of time it has no impact on future pregnancies. It is very rare for someone to have repeated miscarriages.

Most miscarriages occur early in the pregnancy (like yours), and are due to chromosomal abnormalities meaning the foetus would never have been viable going forward. There isn’t anything you could have done to avoid it.
@digitale After two miscarriages, both my wife and I were very hesitant to celebrate anything going into the third.. as much as I wanted to be excited, the previous two crushed our positivity about the entire process.

We talked early and often about our feelings throughout the 3rd pregnancy with each other. These conversations were vital in vocalizing excitement and fear in a safe space, without the need to share with the world of a potential new miscarriage.

Wishing you and your significant other the best.

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