Dawg, I am so tired. Pls help


New member
Oh my gosh I have been overworking myself lately. But because of my weird work schedule, I don’t take my pill until 5am on the dot.

I have been on the dot about taking it until just today :( I overslept and it’s been roughly 3 hours since I was supposed to take it.

So I took it Friday at 5am, and now it’s Saturday at (nearly) 8am. Just took it, even though I was supposed to take it at 5am today. Am I safe..? I’m confused as to how this whole grace period thing works…

This is a combo pill btw, Junel F.E 1.5/30 :p

edit to say; this Saturday (today) marks the end of my second week in the pack, and I’ve been taking the medicine consistently since I think last September.

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