Daddy sleeping in

@nessofonett05 Depends on whether it’s working for you or not. If he’s picking up extra slack in other areas I don’t see an issue with the sleeping arrangement.

I sleep more than my husband - by the time i get out of bed (6:45 on weekdays) he has already walked the dog, made the kids lunches for school, and out breakfast on the table. I just stumble in and drink my tea. Having said that, I do all the dressing/getting kids ready and out the door and I drive them to where they need to be for the day. So he gets some quiet right after breakfast / before work when I take over. I also am the more active parent in the evening for bathtime. Seems fair to us and we both like it this way.

If one of us felt it was unfair, then it would be a problem.
@nessofonett05 So, I would say seems like there’s a relatively good balance to family life chores to my personal option.

Division of labour needs to be acceptable to both sides, and recognition that some tasks are more onerous to one partner than the other, and that some tasks are just more onerous overall.

In my house, I take care of 90% of night wakings, I’m the one who gets up in the morning with her every day, and hubby sleeps in an extra hour ish, and I’m the one puts her to bed. He picks up in many other ways, both with task completion and mental load.

We have chosen to do this because while he needs less sleep than me, and doesn’t have insomnia or sleep apnea ect, his sleep is of lower quality and he often struggles to get to sleep. If he woke during the night, he will take half hour or so to go back down, whereas I take 30 seconds to fall back to sleep. Also, his mood suffers more greatly than mine when he hasn’t had enough sleep.

I decided and we agreed that I’d do most stuff around sleep because I would rather have my own sleep slightly bothered than be well rested and cope with him on not enough good sleep.

This would not be possible if he didn’t already take on mental and physical load for many of the household chores, meaning that I’m not running the household alone on inadequate sleep.

Do what works for your family. It does sound like there may need to be either a temporary or permanent change to the current routine with the new baby tho.