Crying my eyes out over low HCG at 10 DPO. Is this a chemical?

@cerddoriaeth idk if this may be useful to you or anyone else here but doc called me back and said my levels are good and hcg is low as it is very early. She recommended to repeat all 3 tests on Monday and to increase my folic acid intake to 1000 mg (I take 800 right now)
@bskicrash1 My first beta last week at 10 dpo was 13.4, I tested positive the day before so it was still a faint line. At 13dpo it rose to 107.4. I was just really early. Wishing you the best!
@bskicrash1 Did you take a test today? My second day test was so faint that my friend said it looked like her chemical. It got darker the next day and I vowed only to test every other day. Now 11 weeks
@bskicrash1 The actual value this early doesn’t mean much. Some people haven’t even had implantation yet at that point.

However, I looked at your tests to see like progression since you should start to see some progression after 3 days of positives.

I believe I’ve seen other people in the line subs say that the type of tests you are using are not great. I would double check with an FRER and also make sure your prenatal doesn’t have a ton of biotin because biotin can interfere with both blood and urine results.
@inquirer17 Thank you. Yes mine is 0.15 mg. Strange, the vitamins were recommended to my by my ob. I will stop taking them for a couple days to see if something changes. But I will try to mentally prepare myself.

I did look it up and it seems biotin trully interferes if you take around 5 mg but I guess it is worth a shot.
@bskicrash1 My first positive test was at 12 DPO and I received a blood test the very next day my level was only 25. My dr told me that this will be another chemical just like my last 2 and it wasn’t looking good. I advocated for myself and I got on progesterone pessaries. I’m now 16 weeks with an amazing healthy boy. My level went up to 250 a week after my first blood test and the dr still was not happy.

Every pregnancy is different but there’s always hope. I was always told try to not test until a week after missed period. Easier said than done
@oceanwaves I am glad to hear it worked out for you! ❤️ yes, I will probably hold off testing until missed period from now on - I’ve wasted so many preg tests. 12 DPO and the line is still barely visible, so I am pretty sure I need to guard my heart.