Co sleeping isn’t working. Nothing is working

@chenml60 I hope things have gotten better… it seems like your baby may have been uncomfortable/in pain, or the sleep routine wasn’t working. Sending love.
@matteo The sleep routine was/is solid. He’s just a wiggly guy! At 5 months, something just clicked and he started sleeping in longer stretches and it’s only been getting better and better since. He has always been happy guy while awake and is living his best life, and now that I’m getting decent rest, so am I! Thanks for checking in!
@chenml60 That’s awesome :) this just popped up and wanted to make sure you guys were all good. My little one is 10 months and hit the sleep regression a little while ago. NOT FUN lol. But yeah, my brother and I had extremely bad reflux until we were toddlers so I know how scary it can be, especially when it lasts ages.
@matteo Regressions are so maddening but the 4 month one hit me like a train. I think my little guy is going through one now at almost 8 months, because he was sleeping through the night most nights for weeks, but now waking up once per night. But I’ll take it! Better than waking up every 40-90 minutes 🫠
@chenml60 I was always told I was lucky to have an easy baby, as she’d wake up every 3hrs from birth until a month in, then started sleeping most of the night until it was a full 8hrs. Ofc I didn’t get any sleep because I was so used to constantly waking up lol. And when I finally could sleep the night, she decided to go through the 6m regression and would ONLY cosleep. We had to sleep on the floor, or I’d sleep separately. Now, she can sleep in her crib but needs to be rocked or in a deep sleep. Still comes into bed once a night 😭🥹
I had severe sleep deprivation and depression so I’m much happier now than I was for the first few months. I am so glad you are getting some well deserved sleep.
@chenml60 Oh. For an 11-wk old baby, this actually sounds normal. I know it’s not what you wanna hear but that’s just the reality of it. How often are you feeding at night?
@thecup How long does this normal last? I guess I just didn’t think it was normal because I have a lot of friends who had babies around the same time and they are all getting sooo much more sleep than I am at his age.

He’ll eat right before bed, and whenever he doesn’t rock back to sleep which is usually 3-4 from then. And we’ll just do that until the sun comes up.
@chenml60 I’m so sorry you’re going through this. We had a similar experience in the beginning and I think it is really normal unfortunately. What saved us was baby wearing and a newborn Bjorn carrier. My husband would put baby in the carrier and he could get him to sleep that way and I could get a few hours of sleep and a break. We would switch on and off like this throughout the night in those early weeks, me holding the baby in my arms and feeding him, and then my husband with the carrier for a few hours. It’s really grueling but it will pass. Hang in there ♥️🙁
@chenml60 Does baby fall asleep on a long drive? On a long walk in a stroller? I held my kid for every nap (at least a year) until I realized motion worked. Then I would drive around or walk around the block until he was asleep. At 11 weeks I think there is only so much you can expect. But you do need to find away to get enough sleep to be sane.

And honestly, it will probably get better when you go back to work. A nanny or day care won't hold your baby for every nap. And the baby will adjust to their method. Its so hard when you are on mom duty 24/7 to imagine that it will change. But it will. Get the zoloft and hang in there.

PS my kiddo is 4 and we still cosleep. Find what works for your family (that means what works for you too) even if you have to do some things 'wrong'.
@malvikaadhikari He hates the car. He goes down easy, but definitely needs motion to stay down and my back is killing me from keeping rocking him back to sleep. And we can’t afford the snoo.
@chenml60 Look into a mamaroo. Used its not that expensive. Not meant for overnight sleep... but it Keeps your kid in motion. My kid hated everything but liked the mamaroo for a few months. First tried it around 10-12 weeks. Obviously nothing is a guarantee. Velcro babies are just that.
@chenml60 I’m so sorry! One of babies was just like this. Don’t know if this will help but he sleeps 12-13 hours a night mostly now and I never ever would have believed that. Have you checked your formulas for soy? I tried them all and then didn’t realize one of his allergies was soy! Soy causes horrible diarrhea, similar to his dairy allergy!
@chenml60 At this stage I found long walks with stroller naps made for slightly better sleep at night. Plus baby wearing walks, and eventually the magic Merlin sleep suit helped a great deal.
I did end up doing some CIO sleep training at 3 months. Basically allowing her to cry for 10 minutes before soothing. Some nights she’ll cry a minute and fall back asleep (and I feel like a genius), other nights it’s crying for 10 minutes every hour… I do think that cosleeping made her sleep worse by the end of 2 months. She’d fall asleep faster but wake up every 30-45 minutes CIO with swaddles or the magic Merlin was worse for falling asleep but then she slept longer and seemed better rested
@charkati350 Interesting! Since he keeps waking up in my bed, I might as well let him keep waking up in his own bed, right?! Our current plan is to soothe with pats and shushes for 10 minutes before picking up, calming, and putting back down. Wish me luck!