Chewable gas relief for little kids?

Are there chewable versions of simethicone at children’s dosages (40 mg, equivalent to 0.6 mL Mylicon drops) without calcium carbonate? Children’s Mylicon and Pepto Kids both contain calcium carbonate, and the lowest dose chewable Gax-X I could find is 125 mg (adult dose).
@ruatruechristian Can you call a nurse advice line? Can you half the gas x adult dose? Again not medical advice.

Also, check out some exercise to help relieve gas. My 16 month old lays on her belly and roots.
@sscablao I think my current plan is to check with a pharmacist to see if there’s a prescription children’s chewable simethicone, and if there isn’t, I’ll ask them about cutting up cherry Gas-X. Conveniently, my 2nd covid vaccine is at Walgreens tomorrow, so I might be able to ask when I’m there instead of calling and waiting on hold for a pharmacist.

@mikkilyne For the vast majority of kids, that’s definitely the answer! But my 4 year old really hates liquid medicine. He has some oral texture aversions which might be contributing to that. When he had a fever and we were out of chewable Tylenol, I needed to give him his baby brother’s FeverAll suppositories instead of his baby brother’s liquid Tylenol. (And it was 2 suppositories because it was the infant dose.)

I convinced him to take gas drops once but it made him cry. I’ve been giving him chewables with calcium carbonate occasionally, but taking that when it isn’t needed can lead to its own GI issues.
@shefa This is actually for my 4 year old — I don’t think there’s a “buying for preschoolers” sub, though, and you’ve all been giving great suggestions for my baby.

But yes, probiotic drops with vitamin D are wonderful for babies! My 4 year old is also on probiotics, but maybe I should do a little more research to see if there’s a different kind of probiotics that might work better for him.