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Anyone found a good storage for bags of cereal? I desperately want to have cereal containers to alleviate the mashing smushing hulk like behavior my kids exhibit while trying to get their bags in the cereal cabinet BUT none of them are big enough to hold a malt-o-meal bag.

Obviously refilling is an option but that seems… a bit of a stretch for people who can’t change the toilet paper roll.
@22nbrown I found a big container, probably 5 gallon size? That I just mix all the cereal in and I keep a scoop in it. I can pour about half a bag of cereal of a few different kinds in at once so I don't have to refill it very often, the leftover cereal bags get sealed shut and thrown in a big tote. I bought a thin hair flattening iron on super duper sale that has a temperature dial and the lowest setting is perfect for sealing bags of all sorts, I use it for everything, even for ironing handkerchiefs and collars and straightening wrinkled papers, art stuff, etc...
@22nbrown They’re pretty big, I think fit an 18oz package of cereal IIRC. Not enough for a massive bag, but like a family size box is Cheerios would fit

ETA yes yes it is an 18 cup cereal keeper
@22nbrown We put our cereal in several Tupperware containers. Big one for eating cereal at home, mini ones for grab and go. Not a perfect solution, but it solves smashing everything into one container.