Caught Herpangina from my kids


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I’m 36/F with two kids, 6 and 11. My kids were sick a couple weeks ago. It seemed like a type x cold. I knew that I was probably going to catch it and so sure enough, last week I started getting sick. It started off like a cold but then on day 4 I quickly deteriorated. My throat erupted in a dozen or so ulcers at the back of my mouth and now it’s day 7 and I feel worse than ever! I have neck pain, swollen lymph nodes, painful throat and general malaise. I looked up the symptoms online and learned about Herpangina.

Curious if anyone else has caught this from their kids? It’s typically associated with childhood viruses so now I’m all, why meeeee 😫 How long did it take you to feel better after the ulcers appeared? It’s miserable. Need to see the light at the end of the tunnel.
@mohmann I also caught it when my kid had HFM. Not to scare you but it kept coming back for me on a regular basis. Almost like a herpes outbreak or something. I probably had 15 or so outbreaks of it along with a fever and malaise. But after having Covid, it went away.

There are some online forums for people who catch it and have recurring outbreaks.

Good luck and hopefully only a 1x thing for you. It was for my husband.
@katrina2017 Yikes, that sounds miserable! Hoping this is a one time thing for sure. Glad it finally resolved for you (although sucks that it took a bout of Covid for it to go away).
@katrina2017 If it doesn’t resolve I’ll definitely see a doctor. It looks strikingly similar to hand foot and mouth but is only impacting my mouth. My symptoms are also following a viral pattern. Very suspicious of Herpangina!
@romans_5 Both HFM and Herpangina are caused by the Cocksackie virus (it’s just that Herpangina causes ulcers in mouth only). I had HFM about 4-5 years ago and it was equally miserable lol
@mohmann My son had HFM and I started feeling similar to you and it ended up being strep, so I’d highly recommend just getting it checked out sooner rather than later cause strep SUCKS
@mohmann I got that was a teenager working in daycare. It was extra embarrassing because it sounded like an STI.

My LO gave me a stomach bug with a fever when he was still nursing. We were a stinky, sticky miserable mess.
@mohmann I had it. I went to urgent care because I thought it was strep (due to seeing the spots in the back of my throat). But nope... Herpangina! I had to go to a special pharmacy to get a prescription mouth wash, but not sure if it helped. It just had to run its course. Both my kid and I lost our voices at the end of the sickness! It was sad hearing my little toddler trying to speak with a hoarse voice, he sounded like a little gremlin. lol. Took maybe two weeks to get fully better.

Hope you feel better too.
@intheuk My partner had to get a special mouthwash when we had HFM years ago. I’m using Throat Coat tea and it seems to be taking the edge off. Thank you, looking forward to being sick free soon (my holidays just started so I’ll be doing a lot of resting not!)
@mohmann I got it from my son when he had hand foot and mouth. It was a rough few days, I took Tylenol and ibuprofen around the clock for probably 3-4 days and slowly started feeling better.