Caught Herpangina from my kids

@mohmann If it's anything like HFMD, it took about 10 days for our mouth ulcers to finally be tolerable without drugs. 2 weeks until we felt "normal" again. Doubled up on all the Advil to survive it.
@iknowthetruth I’m all stocked up on Advil and Tylenol now. Glad to hear it only took a couple weeks for the worst of it to be past you. I’ve discovered so many “new” viruses since having kids haha
@alexw That’s awesome! I’ll look into those. Right now I have the cold and flu pills that are basically horse pills. Liquids would be much better.
@mohmann I think she has fevers a few days. But the days before that I would get her from daycare and she would cry and cry (they said she was fine there). Then the fever a few days. And then pack to school the next week. She was like 15 months.
@mohmann Oof I had something like this towards the end of this past winter. I have never been more sick. I couldn’t eat anything for over a week. Seriously, I lost weight. I practically overdosed on cepacol lozenges. I caught it from my baby, who had the worst case of HFM — she had spots all over her hands, around her mouth, arms. So bad. For me, my symptoms lasted almost 2 weeks!!
@keatongtsteven Aww your poor little one (and you too!). I’m hearing a lot of people say ~2 weeks to fully resolve. I see the light at the end of the tunnel haha. Glad you two are feeling better. :) I should go out and get some Cepacol!
@mohmann I’m so sorry you have caught that! It has gone around daycare a few times but we fortunately missed it. I will say, on the lighter side, every time it does we all chuckle because I don’t know who named that but it couldn’t possibly sound more like an STD!
@mohmann My husband had it after thanksgiving, but only one ulcer in the uvula. His was mild and seems like the only one at home that had it. Lasted about a week or so.
@cbc8171 Good to hear it resolved after a week or so! I have hope that I won’t be this miserable forever lol. My kids and partner thankfully didn’t get the ulcers.
@bluebutterfly21 Our son had a mild case (so mild we weren’t sure it was actually HFM) and I caught it. I knew it as soon as my feet hit the floor. Then the sore throat hit. OMG. I have never had anything so painful. We were on vacation, too, which made it ten times worse. I was miserable for about 4 days. Chloraseptic spray helped my throat some.