Can't Get My Wife Off of Her D*mn Phone

@tobyharba Try a rule for no phones at the table. Institute that but as others have said cut her some slack she’s pregnant.

We do no phones at the table during meals and it’s something we both appreciate.
@tobyharba the first sentence of your post sounds already like a red flag to me. Please consider sending your 5 y/o to school. This is your first, most important, and most urgent issue tbh.
@tobyharba Have wife with ADHD/screen addiction. It ended up being so offputting to me that I renounced everything "smart" or device-like. Use old Nokia for texts/calls and do everything as analog as possible, it seemed to put in contrast how much time she actually spends on that freaking thing(!) when I sometimes just sit staring out the window, pick up a guitar or write notes with pen and paper.

When baby's asleep she can do what she wants, I program/game on my lead block of an old thinkpad, we let off steam.